“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 25 March 2012

Eastern European?!

Last night I went out for dinner and a few drinks with my girl.

Disappointed with the lack of eye candy, at least I had fantabulous company! We were chilling out at a bar, being approached by complete tools, when we were approached by this Scottish guy.

He told us that him and his mates on the other side of the bar were trying to work out where we were from. LOL - the disappointment on his face said it all when we told him we were both British.

They thought my girl was Chinese or Japanese. She's half Filipino, half British but at least they kinda had the right part of the world!!! To be fair, she doesn't even look REMOTELY Japanese in my eyes but hey...

Then it came to me. The guy we were talking to thought I was....


And then apparently one of his friends thought I was.....



I was like, seriously?! You're mistaking me for being Eastern European?! Are you blind?!

OK, so I know I don't have a tan right now, but that's like the 6th or 7th person in the last 6 months that has mistaken me for a white girl!! I wonder if it's coz I was rocking straight hair.......I dunno, but he was totally shocked when I told him that I was half black.

Either way it was totally weird. I have been mistaken for many ethnicities in my time...Latina, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Egyptian, Asian, North African, Middle Eastern.....but I have NEVER had Eastern European.

I guess there's a first time for everything, huh?

Wonder what I'll get next....



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