“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 27 January 2009


I'm so awesome!!


I have just had a seriously great teaching day today.

My 中学生 just crack me up something chronic!!

So I had my 3nenseis today and coz they've finished the textbook, I've been doing review games with them. Today we played 'Grammar Gambles', which is basically a betting game.

I read out a sentence and everyone has to write it down, and then in groups they have to decide whether it's grammatically right or wrong and then bet money on whether they're right.

It's always a winner. This game has NEVER failed me!!

But what I love most about this game is seeing what the students write down. It really is amazing what they hear.

But the highlight of it all was this.

The sentence I read out was:

"The man standing over there with the dog is his mother."

Obviously there's 2 things you could change here; man - woman, mother-father.

You would be amazed how many students couldn't see what was wrong with this sentence. But the BEST thing I saw was this kid who wrote down:

"The man standing in the bog did his mother."

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! Oh my god I was in hysterics! I could barely talk for laughing as I was telling the JTE what he had written down. And then it started her off too! I chose not to explain what connotation 'did his mother' has but when I told them that 'bog' is English slang for toilet, that got the whole class laughing. It was just so funny!!!

It doesn't actually sound that funny now that I've written it down...but seriously it was HILARIOUS!! Obviously one of those 'you had to be there' moments!!

And after that class I had a blinding session at my elementary school as well.

So I am feeling very awesome!!

And am now gonna stuff my face with cheese and onion crisps!!

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