“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 8 January 2009


These are the two images that best sum up my time in Bangkok.

Food and shopping.

Bangkok was the base for the whole of my trip. I started there and always ended up going back for one night in between going to different places.

I ended up getting really sick of Bangkok...but loved it at the same time. The bustling Khao San Road brought me so much shopping joy. And women like the one in the first picture. Constantly pestering you to buy those hats and those frog things. This was taken on my last day there and I did actually end up buying one of those annoying frog things. I thought that by telling her I would only pay 50 bhats instead of the 350 that she was asking for, she would just leave me alone. But she said OK! And now I have one of them and don't know what to do with it! But I can't bring myself to give it away as omiyage!

I never ate at restaurants in Bangkok. It was always from street stalls like the one in the second picture. I love Thai food and always ate it authentically spicy, bringing tears to my eyes. And then one guy introduced me to the fabulous mint leaf. Quickly cools down the fire in your mouth allowing you to comfortably finish the rest of your meal! GENIUS! I love him for that!

I went on this trip travelling light. I came back with 2 more bags full of omiyage and clothes. Especially dresses, bikinis and bags. Everything was so cheap I just HAD to buy it! The downside to that is that it's so damn cold now in Japan, I won't actually get to wear any of it until the summer. BOOOOOO!!!!!

I mainly stayed around the Ratanakosin area of Bangkok, which is where most of the sights are. I was so hungover on my sightseeing day though, I feel like I skimmed over things a little bit and I wasn't allowed into a couple of places because I was wearing a sundress and wouldn't pay the ridiculous amount of money for an ugly shawl they were saying I could buy to cover my shoulders.

Thailand's third gender: the ladyboy!!!

I had a quick drink with these 'ladies' here! The one at the back in the blue sitting next to me had the worst make up I've ever seen! The other one in the blue sitting opposite was just oozing sex, the one at the front in the green had really scary feathery false eyelashes and the one in the orange...well, not much to say about 'her' really! I just wanted to redo the blue one's make up. Seriously - the lipstick was smudged all around his mouth and I don't know what he applied his eyeshadow with! They were a good giggle though and were lavishing in all the attention that tourists were giving them!

Ohhhh, and I got really excited because I went to Boots! And it was so cheap!

So that was Bangkok - just a stopover place at various points in my trip.

More tomorrow!



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