“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 23 January 2009

Japanese Footballers

The Saga football team cam to my elementary school this morning to teach the kids how to play.

I LOVED it coz instead of the usual 6 classes I would have on a Friday, today I only have 2.

I was outside with the kids but today is absolutely FREEZING so I gave up after an hour and went back into the kerosene heated staff room!!!

But I could still see everything out the window!!

And there was plenty to look at believe me!!

A bit young, but there were some absolute HOTTIES out there!! It was really cute watching them play with the kids - especially the 6 year olds and they were really good about standing in the cold and signing autographs for all the kids at the end.

What was even cuter...

..was watching one of the 6 nensei girls FAINT when she was standing in front of the seriously, SERIOUSLY hot player before she got his autograph.


He was REALLY hot though.

But I behaved.

I was at school after all. And everyone was watching me coz I'm the youngest female at the school and they were all asking what I thought of the players and stuff. It was really embarrassing actually. If they weren't there I would've jumped right in!!


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