“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 30 September 2009

11am and I have just woken up! Hehe!

It's not even that I went to bed THAT late...maybe about 1.40am? I was chatting to a friend on Skype. He was one of my bestest bestest friends when we were back in Kyushu and now he's back home and I moved and it's weird not talking to him! And because of the time difference I hadn't spoken to him for so long, and so much has happened - we had so much to catch up on!

And it was great! :-)

I am so pumped for this Paul Van Dyk gig on October 10th. Not only should it be awesome but I have 2 friends flying in from Kyushu for it and I am just so damn excited to see them! Not only that but I have some Saitama friends coming in, a friend who I haven't seen since I actually arrived here 2 years ago and another ex-JET who moved to Tokyo last year. So it's gonna be really cool to catch up with people and listen to good music and just have a mad dance!!!! Love being surrounded by my party people!!!! Kinda like a Bali renunion - minus a few people!

I hope I can get my lazy arse into gear today. Being unemployed is seriously dangerous!!! I cancelled my class yesterday. Why? Because not only could I just not be arsed, but them kids do my nut! I have a class later today which I intend to go to and I have prep to do for my classes tomorrow. *yawn*. But I'm hoping to hit up Azabu-juban today because there is a mammoth international supermarket there that I wanna go and take a look at before I decide to make an order on the ridiculously expensive flyingpig.com. That site is actually shit. I'm also looking at the Britishsupermarket.com for a few things as well...HP SAUCE BABY!!! Not that there's any decent bacon to go with it!

So yah, there are loads of things that I need to do today. And even though I've woken up late, I just feel so tired and lazy and just wanna spend all day in front of the TV!! But no, I won't do it. I will resist.

I'm off to make pancakes!


Tuesday 29 September 2009


You know, it's funny because even though I have a blog, I don't actually read any others.

Until now.

A friend of mine has just moved to Saudi Arabia to teach English and she started a blog just before she left the UK. I like to think I inspired her a little! LOL!

Anyway, what makes me want to read her blog, is that the content is gonna be about another country that I have never been to, and to be honest, I'm really curious! Right now, she is just doing all the stuff you do before you start working in another country. Attending seminars, meeting staff, sorting out residency cards...just like all the stuff that I had to do before I came to Japan.

But moving to a Middle Eastern country is on a totally different level. If you think that any of you had a culture shock coming to Japan, well, this is just minor compared to what she must be going through!

Firstly, she HAS to wear an abaya. They don't cover the face (I think?!) and I don't think that you HAVE to wear a scarf, but she wrote that she has opted to do so....to stand out slightly less. I think for me, that would be a massive adjustment, so I truly wish her luck with that!

Then there's the matter of the fact that it is illegal for women to drive over there. So she has a driver. I guess if you didn't drive back home anyway, it wouldn't be that much of a big deal....and I guess even if you did drive, then having a driver might actually feel like a bit of a luxury...until the novelty wore off anyway!

Obviously there are a million other culture differences, but she hasn't been there very long so she must be taking them as it comes. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all unveils as she starts teaching. And I also think it will be really cool to compare her teaching experiences in Saudi Arabia to mine here in Japan, so definitely look out for more on that!!!

Good luck to you girl!



I am absolutely blown away by the contestants on the X Factor this year.

It's gonna be a great competition.

I am totally rooting for anyone in the over 25s category! They are AMAZING!!


Monday 28 September 2009


Don't you hate it when you can't find any decent links online?!


Anyway, I was just browsing Facebook when I came across a friend's wedding pics.

Another wedding?! 7 people I know have got married....not just this year but all of them have tied the know in the last 4 months! Isn't that crazy?! It's like it all seems so grown up! When I back to London a lot of my friends were moving in with boyfriends and girlfriends and getting mortgages, having babies and all that malarky.

I remember when I was 19 or something, 26 seem liked such an old age. Well, not really old but it seemed like a good age to be doing all of that stuff....or starting to. But now that I'm actually there, I'm nowhere near any of it. I move every couple of years and there are still so many things that I want to do before I even think about any of that stuff.

Which is why it seems crazy now that I wanted to marry my ex-boyfriend. I've never believed in tying myself done before I've done the things that I've wanted to do because I want to go into that feeling like I haven't had to give anything up - not resenting it because it stopped me from being able to do something else. You see too many people make that mistake.


Project Runway Australia

Now that all these TV shows are starting again, I'm getting really impatient waiting for the next episodes.

So what do I do when this happens? Start watching something else! And that something else has been Project Runway Australia.

I love this show. I think any reality show that discovers talent is a good thing. Plus, I love clothes and I just love watching the designers rise to the challenges and produce these really amazing pieces. It really is pretty incredible. Christie and Henry are certainly no match for Heidi and Tim but I've been enjoying it all the same.

And now I have finished the entire first season! LOL!!

Man, I am so tired. Not just from watching this all day, but I went to bed late and I've had a lot of emotional stress going on recently. I really wanna get back to the gym this week but I've also got a lot of prep to do for my substitute classes. Which I really can't be arsed to do, but the money is too good to turn away. Especially as I have to pay my rent in a couple of days and my bank balance is slowly dwindling.

I guess I just feel emotionally drained today. I've been doing a lot of thinking about things but there is also still a lot of thinking to do. But I think I wanna take a day out from thinking....at least tomorrow anyway because I'm just really tired. LOL - I seem to be always writing that I'm tired recently.

God, my laptop attracts so much dust so quickly!

It's too early to go to bed so I thinking I'm gonna start on season 2!


Too Much Rum

I don't even think it's that I drunk a lot last night....

...it's more of a case of too much too fast :-(

And I am seriously paying the price today!!



Sunday 27 September 2009


Season 6 has started with a cracking hour and a half special.

When they ended Season 5 with House going into a psychiatric hospital, I was skeptical. I think I was worried that they would start Season 6 with his return to the hospital, fully recovered, and that we would never see what happened to him.

So I was so chuffed to see that this first episode was based solely on his recovery. I LOVED it! It's good to see House of the other side for once, in that he is the patient. You know he is gonna be a pain in the arse, but he eventually gives in to the system once he sees that the big shot is always one step ahead of him, always outsmarting him. Makes a change, huh? So he makes his recovery the right way, and helps a couple of other patients along the way.

Yay to all these TV shows starting again! I've missed them!


Catching Up

Man, it is so tiring having people to stay.

Like, it's great to have the company and to get out there and do stuff, but it's all taken it's toll on me.

I am soooo tired...lucky for me my job doesn't start until November so I can sleep as much as I like.

I was thinking today that it totally sucks when things don't work out the way that you expect them to. I think my problem with that is my expectations of certain things are too high, so when things don't work out as I think they should have done, I end up feeling a little disappointed. And sometimes it's hard to get back on track.

But when things don't happen the 'right' way, I guess you just have to get over it and move on.

So on that note, I am totally gonna catch up on all my TV shows and girly movies!


Friday 25 September 2009

What Happens In Vegas

I forgot how funny this movie is!!!

Absolutely love it!!


The Decision....

....is made!

I have decided to take the job in Kanagawa.

I didn't hear anything about the drama job today - I mean, I told them I would need to know by today and they told me that it would be today at the EARLIEST that they could let me know. I still hadn't heard anything by 5pm so I went with the other position. I couldn't take the risk of ending up with nothing.

So yah, I have a new job! But it doesn't start until November. Not that I mind, because starting from next week, I am gonna hit up the gym HARDCORE. I have eaten so much fabulous crap this week..at the cost of gaining another kilo and a couple of spare tyres around my waist!


I can totally get back into shape (a little bit at least) within a month.

Plus, I will still have my substitute teaching to tide me over.

Here's to the last month of unemployment!



Tuesday 22 September 2009

Getting Old

Man, I seriously think that I'm getting old!

I was out all night last night and it has just killed me today!!!! It's not even that I got drunk and was dancing the night away. I just had a few drinks and then a mammoth karaoke session. But it's been a while since I've had to wait up for the first train.

That's still not even it. I haven't been sleeping very well and I think it's finally taking it's toll! Even now I'm still absolutely shattered and it's barely past 9pm!! Totally ready to go to bed!

I need to get the raver back in me!!! Especially as there is a massive gig in ageHa in a couple of weeks that I have friends flying in for!!!

Old woman!! LOL!!!


Sunday 20 September 2009


You know what? Today I saw the FUNNIEST thing I have seen since I have been in Tokyo.

Actually, not even since I've been in Tokyo....it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in Tokyo!!

So I was in Yoyogi Park today. It was gorgeous weather and I was chilling with the man and a friend by the water...watching people as you do.

Across the water we saw these two guys playing with a mammoth frisbee. One was fat and the other...well, he just couldn't throw! Every time he did, the frisbee landed dangerously close to the water..but never in it.

One of the times the frisbee was right on the water's edge. The fat guy went down to get it. Right along the edge of the water is this like small bit of concrete which was a bit wet...I guess from people playing in the water and stuff. Well, anyway, the guy went to get the frisbee and when he got to the water's edge, he slipped and just fell, fat arse first into the water!!!!


And you know what I'm like! I'm absolutely BURST OUT LAUGHING!! But I wasn't the only one! We were surrounded by Japanese people who were also pissing themselves...maybe they weren't as loud as me but they were definitely enjoying the show! And then his friend went to help him up and then he slipped and fell down AGAIN!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!! The guy was absolutely soaked!!! And I swear it wasn't just me! The Japanese people were laughing at him for ages too! And after that they carried on playing for a bit! Which was totally the wrong thing to do because everyone was waiting for the shit thrower to chuck it near the water and to see the fat guy fall in again! So mean!

Man, it was so effing funny. Even writing this, I keep bursting into hysterics...and getting weird looks from you! LOL! After that I saw a kid also slip...but that wasn't so funny because she landed on her back and that actually look like it hurt! But it did raise a snigger!

And on top of that, I saw a lot of other retarded stuff that I can't be arsed to blog about but it was still funny. But NOTHING compared to that guy falling in the water at the park!


Oooohhhhh and tonight I went to an AMAZING Mexican restaurant for dinner. Yah, it was really expensive but totally worth every penny! The environment was great, the food was absolutely delicious and there was live music which was really cool.

Great day.

I LOVE this city!!!!


Thursday 17 September 2009

I Got Woken Up.....

...by a little spider crawling across my face.

And it was one of those nasty jumping ones as well.


Wednesday 16 September 2009

Season 3

Yay! Season 3 of Gossip Girl has started!

And it looks like it's gonna be a good one!

I remember when I first heard about Gossip Girl. The name alone put me off. But then one day I just started watching and I loved it!! I couldn't even tell you why! But I am so chuffed that it's back.

I had my last interview today. I couldn't even tell you how it went. A drama position like that is highly competitive and overall, it's a damn great gig. But I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high about that. i mean, I'm genki but I think that jobs requires a whole other level of genkiness! It would definitely be the hardest work out of the three, that's for sure. Anyway, they're gonna let me know by next Friday. And next Friday is also the day that I have to let the other company that I got the offer from know whether I will accept or not. I've decided not to take the lower paid one that I really liked, just because I can't make it work with the money. I wouldn't be able to save enough to last over the unpaid holidays.

So that's it for the jobhunt for me. Seriously, I've had 6 interviews in the last 2 weeks and I've spent so much money on travel because I was holding off from getting a commuter's pass until I actually found a job. I'm tired and I think I've just had enough of the whole process. I started jobhunting months ago and now that I have this offer, I'm happy enough to take it if I don't get the one that I interviewed for today. I realised that the commute wouldn't be THAT bad considering that I commuted 50 minutes today for a 90min class. I would have to wait a while before working and I wouldn't get my first paycheck until December but I can survive until then. The company that I'm doing this eikaiwa work for now seemed to have calmed down a bit and have had some great feedback about me so they want to keep me on, even if it's just for substitute work. So it means I would be able to make some money before I start working.

I guess I just have to wait until next week now. I can't do anything else and I can't make a final decision unless I get an offer for this drama position. Which, to be honest, I'm not overly convinced I will. But hey, I tried.

Absolutely exhausted. I am so looking forward to lying in a bit tomorrow but I actually have so much to do, I don't know if I can! My special visitor arrives on Friday - I can't believe how quickly the last week has gone. I was there saying it's another 12 days till you arrive and now it's like 2!!!! AWESOMENESS!



Tuesday 15 September 2009

What To Do.....

So I got the official job offer today for the higher paid job that I told you about yesterday.

You know that the money is good...

...here are the crap things:

-the position doesn't start until 19th November. That means another 2 months of unemployment. The good thing about this is that I have enough money NOT to work for another two months and I would be able to hardcore hit the gym and get back into shape.

-my commute would be an hour. The position that they have chosen me for would be in Kanagawa. So I would have to commute as far out as Kawasaki. The hours vary every day. Sunday and Monday would be my weekend and then I would be doing 2pm-8-30pm, 1-8pm, 12-7.30pm, 12-7pm and then 10.30-5.30pm on a Saturday. The travelling costs would be paid but I would basically lose my evenings because add an hour onto that finish time and I'm getting home late. Which would also mean I would miss the evening classes at the gym...although the gym is open until midnight so I still could work out.

Pretty crappy negatives huh? The good thing though is that I have a week to think about it.

Which is lucky because tomorrow I have another job interview which is better than both the other ones. Not only does it pay more but it's so close. I'm looking at a 20min commute. 30mins if I have to wait for a train. But that would be tops. And the job sounds AWESOME. It's a position for a drama teacher. The company teaches English through drama! HOW fun does that sound?! And it's for an October start. Downside to this company as well as the other higher paid one, is that I would be working with babies. Which would be cute....for a while. I think this would be a really hard job but I like the challenge and the fact that it's a completely different type of teaching job. So after that interview tomorrow I will have something to compare it with. Plus there is still that lower paid job...but I did the math and after all the deductions for travel, rent, tax and the gym, I would only be left with 6-7man a month to play with. Totally do-able but it will make saving really hard. And the fact that the holidays are unpaid, means that I will have to stay in Japan for Christmas.

So I can kiss goodbye my trip to Australia and New Zealand. Sorry guys!

And then on top of that, you know I had those private lessons? I told the company today that there is a good chance I won't be able to continue with them because I can't fit another job around the hours that they have given me and that's blown up in my face. They've taken away 3 out of 4 of my classes now. I will do them this week but I've been introduced to the student as a substitute teacher. The reason they still want me to keep the 4th one is because I've already had one lesson with the lady and have been introduced as her regular teacher. And because she is new to join the company also, they are afraid that it looks too bad on them if they change the teacher so soon and are worried that she might quit. It's understandable - I get it. But it's not cool for me. Especially if I do end up going for the job with the November start. It means I will have barely any money coming in over October.

I guess I just have to wait until after the interview tomorrow to make a decision about what I'm gonna do.

I'll keep ya posted!


Monday 14 September 2009


So I'm having a bit of a dilemma with this job lark.

There's 2 companies I really like. One pays more than the other...but could involve horrible hours, babies and up to an hour long commute. The other is only 4 days a week, the salary INCLUDES the travelling expenses (NOT happy about that) and all the holidays I would be able to take off...and won't be paid for them.

The lower paid one is more appealing to me in the sense of the actual work. It's public school so I would be back in the classroom. I didn't realise how much I missed the classroom until I started doing all this private work. But, my main concern is not being able to live off the salary. It's a daily rate, which is actually really good, but it's 4 days a week and supposedly includes the travelling expenses, which means the end salary drops dramatically when you take those expenses out. However, I think I prefer ALT work and this position isn't too far from my house and I'd be able to start in a couple of weeks.

The higher paid one has amazing bonus opportunities. It's a private school teaching kids between 1-15. Because it's private, all ages use a textbook and I feel like this would take the fun out of the teaching. This company is also REALLY strict on dress code - no denim, no earrings, no nail polish, guys can't have any facial hair and girls have to ALWAYS wear their hair up if it's below chin length. The travel costs are covered but I would be expected to commute for up to an hour. It's considered a semi full time but it's 5 days a week...with 10 days holiday...which you can't take either side of the winter holidays. And the hours are commonly 12-7 but could also be like 1-8 or 12-9. And that would suck if you have to commute an hour on top of that. But, because of my location, there wouldn't be an opening until November. Which means another month of unemployment...well, I would still have my private eikawa work. Oh and with this company I would have to change the status of my visa.

Both offer visa sponsorship and good promotional opportunities. But I'm just not sure which one I should go for. Like, financially I would be better off with the private school. But the rules are so rigid....is it better to take the lower salary and enjoy the work? And the commute would probably be about half an hour on the train and then a 15 min walk. So that's not tooo bad you know. I'm just concerned that I would end up struggling. I guess the good thing with the lower paid one is that it's only contracted until March, so if I did end up struggling then I would be able to get out of it. And March would be a good time to look for another job because it's the start of the school year....that's definitely something worth thinking about.

Although I really don't wanna have to go through another job search!!!!

I'm not sure what the best thing to do is.

What do you think?


Sunday 13 September 2009

The Wait Is Unbearable....



Saturday 12 September 2009



I just saw 佐藤健's date of birth.


How come NONE of the hot ones are anywhere near my age?!


But still *drool*




So you've heard me rave on bout those Rookies boys before?

This is the hottest of the hotties!!!





I am absolutely SHATTERED after a 5 hour interview today. Well, actually it was just under 5 hours but the whole process was so long and dull, by the time it got to the ACTUAL one-on-one interview I was practically falling asleep.

I guess it didn't help that it was so far away as well and I had to get up at 7.30 this morning to make sure that I got there in good time.

I basically got told that if I was to be offered a position, that I wouldn't actually start working until November....not sure what I think about that because I need to be making and saving money NOW. Plus, the company seems unnecessarily strict about things like dress code. It has to be professional attire ALL THE TIME, which doesn't make sense to me if you're teaching kids from like 1-15. I'm assuming that they never use paint....

I hope they let me know soon though because I'm interviewing for other jobs as well and I don't wanna accept a "shittier" job and then get offered this one later. There are so many bonus ops with this one as well and if it all goes well I could end up making just as much, and possibly even more, than I did when I was on JET.

Enough of that though - I'm knackered.


Thursday 10 September 2009

Shiny And New

I bought a printer/scanner/copier today.

I realised that since I'm not gonna be at a school anymore (well, not yet anyway), I need to be able to print stuff off the net for my eikawa classes.

The fact that it has a scanner and copier is just a bonus.

Absolutely exhausted today. I got up at 7.30am to make sure that I had plenty of time to get to Minato-ku for this eikawa. The lesson went fine but I was so tired afterwards and had some stuff to do in town so I couldn't just come home and sleep.

I nearly finished my book on the train ride as well! But it was kinda a nice feeling to be up with the other workers and earning money. And I found out today that I will be getting a new student from next week...I think! A 3 year old boy who is apparently a genius. What the hell am I gonna do with all these kids who have native English levels already?! Man, this is gonna cost me!

I tried to join the gym today but I forgot that it was closed on a Thursday! Doh! I was planning on starting my classes tomorrow anyway, so I guess I could sign up and then work out straightaway. I've got a week to try and tone up at least a tiny bit!!

I cannot WAIT to get my buff body back! It's actually a little bit embarrassing to see the before and after pics and seeing how I've let myself go! I can't even blame it ALL on my foot. Well, I kinda can, but I could've been doing ab exercises at home - I'm just too lazy! Going to the gym worked well for me before - I hope it doesn't take me too long to get into all the classes that I wanna do. I couldn't never just launch into doing them all at once - I remember the first ever aqua class that I did. My arms were CANING for 2 days!! We'll see how it goes!


Wednesday 9 September 2009

Last Day Of Unemployment

My last day of being fully unemployed is over.

I start my first eikawa class tomorrow. It might only be an hour, but man I have to travel for it!

I was reading the profile of the students that I have and some of the kids are only 4-7 and already have fluent English. What they need me for, I'm not quite sure! Most of my materials are for children who have no English at all so I think I'm gonna have to come up with a whole load of new ideas for fluent kids!



What's Wrong?

Do you ever get that thing where things just don't feel right...yet nothing is actually wrong?!

It's so strange because how can you make everything better if you don't know what it is that needs to be made better?

So weird.

And annoying.

And it's bugging the hell outta me!

On a slightly lighter note, I watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy just now. I've never seen it before but it seems like it might have some juicy storylines! Might need to start getting into another online TV show seeing how I don't have much else to do at the moment.

May as well enjoy being unemployed!!! Even if it is only for a short time!



This jobhunting lark is completely knackering me out.

I'm travelling all over the place just to get to various interviews.

And the next few days are gonna be no exception.

I start with my eikawa classes tomorrow. I say, classes but I only really have one. It's not THAT far away, but right now, anything more than a 10 minute commute seems too far.

The worst thing I have coming up is an interview on Saturday. It's down in Yokohama - well, an EXPRESS stop past Yokohama - and is form 12-5pm. 5 hours!!! But it's the best paid one I've found so far. I feel kinda bad (but not really) because if I do get one of these full time jobs, I will have to give up all my eikawa students. When I was interviewed for them they expressed that that was their biggest concern.

But you know, come on, of course that is what's gonna happen. You can't live off sporadic eikawa work.

I finally went and got some info from the gym yesterday. I probably would've left it for a while until I knew that I could definitely afford to go, but to be honest the fat comments are becoming a little too regular for my liking!! I'm not even fat....but I am extremely unfit as I haven't been able to get to the gym for months.

The gym nearest me is AMAZING!!!! And the range of studio and pool classes that they offer is incredible - I think I got so used to the limited equipment and stuff at the place I used to go to, that I forgot what a PROPER gym is like!!

Now I just have to decipher my way through all this kanji!


Monday 7 September 2009

X Factor

Now you all know me - I don't agree with reality TV shows.....

....UNLESS they are the types of shows that discover talent.

Like the X Factor. I mean, would anyone have even heard of Leona Lewis if she hadn't auditioned that day? Now she is the most successful reality TV star EVER. Good on her!

So the 6th series of the show started recently and I was just watching some of the auditions on youtube. The auditions make some of the best viewing!!! This is BY FAR the funniest audition so far this year:


Check it out!!! I was absolutey WETTING myself watching this!!

Definitely a way to put a smile on your face on a Monday night!



Double Standards

You know what yeh? It's so funny how none of the 'normal' rules apply in a gay club.

I went out with some friends last night to some gay joint in town - 1000yen nomihoudai for 2 hours - how could I say no?!?! And it's amazing because if a girl was to do some of the shocking things that I saw to a guy in a hetero club, then she would be a first class hooooooooooooooo!!!!! Yet, it's perfectly OK in a gay club.

Funny, ne?

Still had a fun night though. I do enjoy a bit of a Sunday night boogie. And Shinjuku is soooo close to my house. Well, I say that but coming off the subway line and trying to find the right exit is the biggest mission ever! It took me like 15 minutes to walk to the exit where my friend was waiting for me! Doh!

I'm enjoying my last few days of being unemployed....well, COMPLETELY unemployed. I have some eikawa work but it's my no means my 'job'. Hell, I'm not even sure that the work I have so far will even cover my rent! So I am still looking to see what's out there.

The search continues.


Sunday 6 September 2009

Music Music Music

Ahhhhhh....where would we be without music.

Seeing as I uffed up on my hard drive, I'm having to compile my iTunes library from scratch. Which is actually no problem at all seeing as I have a new fabulously powerful laptop and can download an album in an average of 3 minutes!!! SWEEEEET!

Latest addition is Pitbull's new one. What has happened to him?! So damn commercial now! And the song that he has currently released (I Know You Want Me) is so damn irritating but I can't stop listening to it!

And I have to say that Sean Paul's new album is growing on me...which is a surprise considering how much I hater 'So Fine' when I first heard it.

Now I need to start downloading all the albums that I lost when my iRiver broke!!! If I can remember what was on it!


Friday 4 September 2009


I seem to wake up with a new bite every day! Where are they coming from?!

I'm totally gonna have to invest in one of those plug in repellent thingys aren't I?

Sometimes I really can't wait for the winter. I only say that because I hate bugs. The minute winter gets here, I'm gonna be bitching! And now that I'm in Tokyo, the winter is gonna be even harsher than it was in Kyushu! Doh!

I still haven't unpacked everything. I keep meaning to but I'm staying up late and getting up late and then just being lazy all day! I'm tired! But I'm heading up to Saitama tonight so I totally can't go back to sleep coz the night's starting early and I'll blatantly be late!

I WILL finish up this weekend though...DEFINITELY!



Man, I love those Rookies boys!!

Especially Okada and Aniya - HOTNESS!!!!!

But seriously, do they have to cry at EVERYTHING?!?!?!?

Man up!


Wednesday 2 September 2009

Lazy Lazy

I have been so bad with this unpacking lark....again!

I just can't be arsed to do it.

That was what I was sposed to do today. But after an early morning skype session, I ended up falling asleep...till 2.45pm!!

WTF?!?! That is soooo unlike me! But I guess that was the sleep that I have been craving since I got back. But now it's like 7.30pm and I'm trying to unpack but I just keep stopping and doing something else online.

I have a job interview tomorrow. The other day I just went for it and applied for like 10 jobs. It paid off coz I did get a lot of responses back. I just have to fill out all these forms and then wait and see what happens! I'm liking the idea of having a flexi schedule more and more so I think I'm gonna go for a couple of part time jobs. Probably easier than trying to find a full time position in Tokyo anyway. But it's cool coz then I would still have free time. Might not be making as much money as before but that's OK.

Really happy today as well because I got to speak to my girl in Canada. Miss you like crazy!!!! I love having a good catch up and gossip with her because...well....essentially she's just like me! I don't have to watch what I say and I can be as graphic as I like! Hehe!
