“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 12 September 2009


I am absolutely SHATTERED after a 5 hour interview today. Well, actually it was just under 5 hours but the whole process was so long and dull, by the time it got to the ACTUAL one-on-one interview I was practically falling asleep.

I guess it didn't help that it was so far away as well and I had to get up at 7.30 this morning to make sure that I got there in good time.

I basically got told that if I was to be offered a position, that I wouldn't actually start working until November....not sure what I think about that because I need to be making and saving money NOW. Plus, the company seems unnecessarily strict about things like dress code. It has to be professional attire ALL THE TIME, which doesn't make sense to me if you're teaching kids from like 1-15. I'm assuming that they never use paint....

I hope they let me know soon though because I'm interviewing for other jobs as well and I don't wanna accept a "shittier" job and then get offered this one later. There are so many bonus ops with this one as well and if it all goes well I could end up making just as much, and possibly even more, than I did when I was on JET.

Enough of that though - I'm knackered.


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