“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 9 September 2009


This jobhunting lark is completely knackering me out.

I'm travelling all over the place just to get to various interviews.

And the next few days are gonna be no exception.

I start with my eikawa classes tomorrow. I say, classes but I only really have one. It's not THAT far away, but right now, anything more than a 10 minute commute seems too far.

The worst thing I have coming up is an interview on Saturday. It's down in Yokohama - well, an EXPRESS stop past Yokohama - and is form 12-5pm. 5 hours!!! But it's the best paid one I've found so far. I feel kinda bad (but not really) because if I do get one of these full time jobs, I will have to give up all my eikawa students. When I was interviewed for them they expressed that that was their biggest concern.

But you know, come on, of course that is what's gonna happen. You can't live off sporadic eikawa work.

I finally went and got some info from the gym yesterday. I probably would've left it for a while until I knew that I could definitely afford to go, but to be honest the fat comments are becoming a little too regular for my liking!! I'm not even fat....but I am extremely unfit as I haven't been able to get to the gym for months.

The gym nearest me is AMAZING!!!! And the range of studio and pool classes that they offer is incredible - I think I got so used to the limited equipment and stuff at the place I used to go to, that I forgot what a PROPER gym is like!!

Now I just have to decipher my way through all this kanji!


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