“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 20 September 2009


You know what? Today I saw the FUNNIEST thing I have seen since I have been in Tokyo.

Actually, not even since I've been in Tokyo....it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in Tokyo!!

So I was in Yoyogi Park today. It was gorgeous weather and I was chilling with the man and a friend by the water...watching people as you do.

Across the water we saw these two guys playing with a mammoth frisbee. One was fat and the other...well, he just couldn't throw! Every time he did, the frisbee landed dangerously close to the water..but never in it.

One of the times the frisbee was right on the water's edge. The fat guy went down to get it. Right along the edge of the water is this like small bit of concrete which was a bit wet...I guess from people playing in the water and stuff. Well, anyway, the guy went to get the frisbee and when he got to the water's edge, he slipped and just fell, fat arse first into the water!!!!


And you know what I'm like! I'm absolutely BURST OUT LAUGHING!! But I wasn't the only one! We were surrounded by Japanese people who were also pissing themselves...maybe they weren't as loud as me but they were definitely enjoying the show! And then his friend went to help him up and then he slipped and fell down AGAIN!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!! The guy was absolutely soaked!!! And I swear it wasn't just me! The Japanese people were laughing at him for ages too! And after that they carried on playing for a bit! Which was totally the wrong thing to do because everyone was waiting for the shit thrower to chuck it near the water and to see the fat guy fall in again! So mean!

Man, it was so effing funny. Even writing this, I keep bursting into hysterics...and getting weird looks from you! LOL! After that I saw a kid also slip...but that wasn't so funny because she landed on her back and that actually look like it hurt! But it did raise a snigger!

And on top of that, I saw a lot of other retarded stuff that I can't be arsed to blog about but it was still funny. But NOTHING compared to that guy falling in the water at the park!


Oooohhhhh and tonight I went to an AMAZING Mexican restaurant for dinner. Yah, it was really expensive but totally worth every penny! The environment was great, the food was absolutely delicious and there was live music which was really cool.

Great day.

I LOVE this city!!!!


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