“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 14 September 2009


So I'm having a bit of a dilemma with this job lark.

There's 2 companies I really like. One pays more than the other...but could involve horrible hours, babies and up to an hour long commute. The other is only 4 days a week, the salary INCLUDES the travelling expenses (NOT happy about that) and all the holidays I would be able to take off...and won't be paid for them.

The lower paid one is more appealing to me in the sense of the actual work. It's public school so I would be back in the classroom. I didn't realise how much I missed the classroom until I started doing all this private work. But, my main concern is not being able to live off the salary. It's a daily rate, which is actually really good, but it's 4 days a week and supposedly includes the travelling expenses, which means the end salary drops dramatically when you take those expenses out. However, I think I prefer ALT work and this position isn't too far from my house and I'd be able to start in a couple of weeks.

The higher paid one has amazing bonus opportunities. It's a private school teaching kids between 1-15. Because it's private, all ages use a textbook and I feel like this would take the fun out of the teaching. This company is also REALLY strict on dress code - no denim, no earrings, no nail polish, guys can't have any facial hair and girls have to ALWAYS wear their hair up if it's below chin length. The travel costs are covered but I would be expected to commute for up to an hour. It's considered a semi full time but it's 5 days a week...with 10 days holiday...which you can't take either side of the winter holidays. And the hours are commonly 12-7 but could also be like 1-8 or 12-9. And that would suck if you have to commute an hour on top of that. But, because of my location, there wouldn't be an opening until November. Which means another month of unemployment...well, I would still have my private eikawa work. Oh and with this company I would have to change the status of my visa.

Both offer visa sponsorship and good promotional opportunities. But I'm just not sure which one I should go for. Like, financially I would be better off with the private school. But the rules are so rigid....is it better to take the lower salary and enjoy the work? And the commute would probably be about half an hour on the train and then a 15 min walk. So that's not tooo bad you know. I'm just concerned that I would end up struggling. I guess the good thing with the lower paid one is that it's only contracted until March, so if I did end up struggling then I would be able to get out of it. And March would be a good time to look for another job because it's the start of the school year....that's definitely something worth thinking about.

Although I really don't wanna have to go through another job search!!!!

I'm not sure what the best thing to do is.

What do you think?


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