“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 15 September 2009

What To Do.....

So I got the official job offer today for the higher paid job that I told you about yesterday.

You know that the money is good...

...here are the crap things:

-the position doesn't start until 19th November. That means another 2 months of unemployment. The good thing about this is that I have enough money NOT to work for another two months and I would be able to hardcore hit the gym and get back into shape.

-my commute would be an hour. The position that they have chosen me for would be in Kanagawa. So I would have to commute as far out as Kawasaki. The hours vary every day. Sunday and Monday would be my weekend and then I would be doing 2pm-8-30pm, 1-8pm, 12-7.30pm, 12-7pm and then 10.30-5.30pm on a Saturday. The travelling costs would be paid but I would basically lose my evenings because add an hour onto that finish time and I'm getting home late. Which would also mean I would miss the evening classes at the gym...although the gym is open until midnight so I still could work out.

Pretty crappy negatives huh? The good thing though is that I have a week to think about it.

Which is lucky because tomorrow I have another job interview which is better than both the other ones. Not only does it pay more but it's so close. I'm looking at a 20min commute. 30mins if I have to wait for a train. But that would be tops. And the job sounds AWESOME. It's a position for a drama teacher. The company teaches English through drama! HOW fun does that sound?! And it's for an October start. Downside to this company as well as the other higher paid one, is that I would be working with babies. Which would be cute....for a while. I think this would be a really hard job but I like the challenge and the fact that it's a completely different type of teaching job. So after that interview tomorrow I will have something to compare it with. Plus there is still that lower paid job...but I did the math and after all the deductions for travel, rent, tax and the gym, I would only be left with 6-7man a month to play with. Totally do-able but it will make saving really hard. And the fact that the holidays are unpaid, means that I will have to stay in Japan for Christmas.

So I can kiss goodbye my trip to Australia and New Zealand. Sorry guys!

And then on top of that, you know I had those private lessons? I told the company today that there is a good chance I won't be able to continue with them because I can't fit another job around the hours that they have given me and that's blown up in my face. They've taken away 3 out of 4 of my classes now. I will do them this week but I've been introduced to the student as a substitute teacher. The reason they still want me to keep the 4th one is because I've already had one lesson with the lady and have been introduced as her regular teacher. And because she is new to join the company also, they are afraid that it looks too bad on them if they change the teacher so soon and are worried that she might quit. It's understandable - I get it. But it's not cool for me. Especially if I do end up going for the job with the November start. It means I will have barely any money coming in over October.

I guess I just have to wait until after the interview tomorrow to make a decision about what I'm gonna do.

I'll keep ya posted!


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