“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Season 3

Yay! Season 3 of Gossip Girl has started!

And it looks like it's gonna be a good one!

I remember when I first heard about Gossip Girl. The name alone put me off. But then one day I just started watching and I loved it!! I couldn't even tell you why! But I am so chuffed that it's back.

I had my last interview today. I couldn't even tell you how it went. A drama position like that is highly competitive and overall, it's a damn great gig. But I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high about that. i mean, I'm genki but I think that jobs requires a whole other level of genkiness! It would definitely be the hardest work out of the three, that's for sure. Anyway, they're gonna let me know by next Friday. And next Friday is also the day that I have to let the other company that I got the offer from know whether I will accept or not. I've decided not to take the lower paid one that I really liked, just because I can't make it work with the money. I wouldn't be able to save enough to last over the unpaid holidays.

So that's it for the jobhunt for me. Seriously, I've had 6 interviews in the last 2 weeks and I've spent so much money on travel because I was holding off from getting a commuter's pass until I actually found a job. I'm tired and I think I've just had enough of the whole process. I started jobhunting months ago and now that I have this offer, I'm happy enough to take it if I don't get the one that I interviewed for today. I realised that the commute wouldn't be THAT bad considering that I commuted 50 minutes today for a 90min class. I would have to wait a while before working and I wouldn't get my first paycheck until December but I can survive until then. The company that I'm doing this eikaiwa work for now seemed to have calmed down a bit and have had some great feedback about me so they want to keep me on, even if it's just for substitute work. So it means I would be able to make some money before I start working.

I guess I just have to wait until next week now. I can't do anything else and I can't make a final decision unless I get an offer for this drama position. Which, to be honest, I'm not overly convinced I will. But hey, I tried.

Absolutely exhausted. I am so looking forward to lying in a bit tomorrow but I actually have so much to do, I don't know if I can! My special visitor arrives on Friday - I can't believe how quickly the last week has gone. I was there saying it's another 12 days till you arrive and now it's like 2!!!! AWESOMENESS!



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