“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 28 September 2009

Project Runway Australia

Now that all these TV shows are starting again, I'm getting really impatient waiting for the next episodes.

So what do I do when this happens? Start watching something else! And that something else has been Project Runway Australia.

I love this show. I think any reality show that discovers talent is a good thing. Plus, I love clothes and I just love watching the designers rise to the challenges and produce these really amazing pieces. It really is pretty incredible. Christie and Henry are certainly no match for Heidi and Tim but I've been enjoying it all the same.

And now I have finished the entire first season! LOL!!

Man, I am so tired. Not just from watching this all day, but I went to bed late and I've had a lot of emotional stress going on recently. I really wanna get back to the gym this week but I've also got a lot of prep to do for my substitute classes. Which I really can't be arsed to do, but the money is too good to turn away. Especially as I have to pay my rent in a couple of days and my bank balance is slowly dwindling.

I guess I just feel emotionally drained today. I've been doing a lot of thinking about things but there is also still a lot of thinking to do. But I think I wanna take a day out from thinking....at least tomorrow anyway because I'm just really tired. LOL - I seem to be always writing that I'm tired recently.

God, my laptop attracts so much dust so quickly!

It's too early to go to bed so I thinking I'm gonna start on season 2!


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