“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 31 January 2010


OMG I can't believe that I didn't know there was a season 8 of 24. I then remembered that I hadn't actually watched the last 2 episodes of season 7....but to be honest they were kinda spolit when I found out that there was a season 8 because I realised that Jack Bauer wouldn't actually die from the radiation poisoning.

God I love that show. Definitely the best thing on TV for me. I am absolutely lovey this season of Ugly Betty as well - easily one of the funniest that they've come up with.

And if it wasn't enough that there's a new season of 24, I found out from someone's facebook status that the new season of Project Runway has started as well!! Double whammy!!!

So I shall be nursing my cold at home today while watching online TV and doing the cleaning.

Just the way you should be spending a Sunday!


Saturday 30 January 2010

Rough Rough Rough

I'm on the blocked/runny nose phase of the cold. And the cough is on the verge of breaking out as well.

All my work colleagues are sick as well. It's quite amusing to listen to all the sniffing and sneezing going on...almost in turn! LOL! Even though I wasn't teaching today, I was mad busy on a tidying mission - which I still didn't get to finish. I think the constant breaks to stop and chat might have had something to do with it!!

I've been seeing pictures of this Texas Burger (MacDonalds) all over the place, so today I decided to try one. Not impressed - I thought it was pretty gross actually and our breath smelt so FUNKY after eating it. Does anyone actually like those things?! Ergh!

もうー....I feel so rough.


Friday 29 January 2010

And It's Here

I haver felt a cold coming on for ages. As more and more kids come to school coughing, sneezing and being gross everywhere, I knew it was only a matter of time before I caught something.

And now it's coming.

At least I don't have to actually teach any classes over the next couple fo days. But I'm still gonna be mad busy doing a whole load of other stuff. Argh....my head hurts.

How the hell do you get rid of stomach fat!??!?! I have been doing crunches every day, I'm hitting the gym 4 times a week - OK I may have been a bit slack on that over the last couple of weeks, but still - and I haven't had any doughnuts at all this week. Other cake, but no doughnuts.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Especially ones that don't involve cutting out the sweet stuff! LOL!


Monday 25 January 2010


Seeing how a friend of mine busted her arse studying for level 2 of the Eiken exam (which was yesterday), has really given me a kick to get stuck into my own studying. Even though she has failed (she showed me the question paper and asked me to mark it...and she totally failed), she's sprung right back and is making a hardcore study plan so that she will be fully prepared to take the test again in the summer.

Man, I wish I had that level of self discipline. I was sposed to study today but I forgot I had some lesson planning to do and it's taking way longer than I thought. My 2kyuu Kanji cards arrived yesterday and there is just so much to learn. But thinking about my friend...she may not have the horrific working hours that I do but she certainly makes the time to study...because she really wants this.

Just like I really badly need to get this this year. I need it to get myself out of teaching...it's been a good ride but at the end of the day it just isn't what I want to do. It's definitely getting to the point where I want to be trying something else. It's just a long, long process...but at least if I have my 2kyuu i can do something different while I'm in the process of getting the career that I want, you know.

Back to the lesson planning.


Tuesday 19 January 2010

Early Riser

Even though I don't start work until 2pm today, I still woke up at 9am.

Because if I didn't, I woudn't actually be able to do anything with my day. I have to catch the train at 12.20 to make sure that I get in on time (a ghastly, ghastly commute involving 2 transfers and a bus ride) so in retrospect, I still don't have that much time in the morning to do the things that I need to do.

And on top of that I'm absolutely knackered. I did not sleep well last night - at all. I'm not even sure why - I was in bed a little earlier than usual.I have a friend staying and he was knocked out because of jetlag and the fact that we'd been out for the best part of the day. And my eyes couldn't take any more studying so I went to bed as well. But now I feel like I've only had a few hours sleep because I woke up so early.

Speaking of studying, I bought some study books for the 2kyuu exam yesterday. And my God, I have got such a long way to go! I took a quick browse at the kanji section of last year's test, and of the 40 questions, I could only answer 6! But in all fairness, I haven't studied for it yet, so I think you can forgive me for that! I can't really start on a lot of them until I review the 3kyuu grammar, vocab and kanji and at least learn some of the 6000 words I need to learn! LOL!! It's mad scary and I'm really not sure that I can do it.


Think I might grab a quick 10 minute nap before I have to put on my make up and leave for work.


Sunday 17 January 2010

Ugly Betty

I finally got a chance today to catch up with my online TV shows. I haven't seen anything for months!

And man, the end of the newest episode of Ugly Betty had me in tears!!!

Saying goodbye is something that we've all had to do so many times and trying to say goodbye to people that you really care about always stings, no matter how many times you've had to do it.

I had a really good natter with my friend in London yesterday. I hadn't spoken to her for ages and it was really, really great to catch up. We went to school together, we went to the same uni and we've lived together, had awesome house parties together, spent 4/5NYE together, partied hard together...you know there's always someone that you just feel so comfortable with? She's definitely one of those people.

I hope I get to see her this year.....where and when, I don't know, but I hope it happens!!

Miss you girl.



I've done something to my knee!

It really hurts when I walk, go up and down stairs and when I kneel down. So that rules out me going to the gym today. I feel bad because I haven't been for a week! I hate throwing money away. But it's just not worth the risk of going and making it worse.

But it's OK - I have a lot of clearing up to do before my friend arrives!!! I can't believe how fast time flies - it feels like yesterday that he said he's booked his flight back here and now it's like OMG he's gonna be here in a few hours. Crazy!

Anyone else feel that January is like the slowest month of the year? It's absolutely dragging by and I remember feeling the same way last year. LOL I'm having one of those days where I start doing something and then start doing a billion other things at the same time without actually finishing anything.

Hope you're having a more productive Sunday than me!


Friday 15 January 2010

And It Happened Again

Even though I got home in time to walk to the gym, I just couldn't go.

I'm exhausted.

That's the third time this month I haven't gone. I always feel guilty because I pay so much every month and to not go to my classes seems like I'm throwing my money down the drain.

But I figured that it was better to do that than to collapse or something during in a class. I never would've made it through 1hr 20mins of aerobics tonight - it's my favourite class because it's fast, energetic, and the instructor uses way better music than the others. So feeling the way I did when I walked through the door, I just decided to relax at home by myself. Which is probably a good thing because I will have a friend staying with me for a while so it's nice to have the place to myself.

So tired.


Thursday 14 January 2010

Tearing Up

I'm keeping as up to date as I can with news of the Haiti earthquake.

Watching video footage on the BBC World News website had me tearing up so badly. Seeing all those people, bleeding and covered in debris all over the streets, sleeping among the dead in hospitals because they have nowhere to go....

To be honest, how can that NOT make you tear up? Or at least get a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach? They were saying that Japan is overdue a major earthquake...if you were in the same situation as these people, I would hope that people in countries all over the world would be feeling compassionate and wanting to help.

I'm gonna be checking my bank balance and making a donation for sure. I don't think I can sit back and do nothing. All watching the news does, is make us aware of the situation. People are always saying that they wish they could help...well, YOU CAN!! Even the smallest amount is better than sitting on your arse and doing nothing...and after seeing that footage, I know I can help.

Have a heart!



Have you been following the Haiti earthquake on the news?

I just watched a whole load of video footage and now my heart is just going out to all of those people.

I can't imagine what it would be like to actually survive a natural disaster on that scale and try to rebuild your life from scratch. I thought the same thing after the massive tsunami. Just seeing people suffering and screaming out for help is just awful and it's like I almost feel guilty for carrying on and getting ready for work when so much devastation is happening on the other side of the world.

Although I guess we all turn our back everyday. It's true that the majority of us remain oblivious to what's going on in the world everyday until something terrible happens and our attention is drawn to it via the media. Shameful. But sadly true.

It always reminds me of my goal to eventually do some charity work in the favelas of Brazil. Don't get me wrong - I never forget that it's something that I want to do, but it always seems to get pushed to the back of my mind as I'm trying to kickstart my career right now. But I promise I will do it. I don't know when, but I will.

I promise.

Take some time out today to think about all those poor people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. And then be grateful for what you have.


Wednesday 13 January 2010

Give Me A Break!!

My commute is long enough without being delayed by accidents!!

I've been really tired all day, and then when I went to transfer onto Oedo line at Yoyogi, I found out that it had been partially suspended because of an accident. So I had to go all the way to Ikebukuro, transfer, and then walk home from Ekoda station. That walk isn't that bad but it's absolutely freezing today and I was just pissed off at having to take a diversion.

And so once again, I got in after 10pm.


So tired. But there is always so much that I want to in the evenings, so I can't just kick back and do nothing. I'm trying to be in bed by midnight though, so I can at least get my 8 hours...not that it makes much of a difference! LOL!!


Sunday 10 January 2010


I am seriously starting to show my age.

I'm used to being told that I look like I'm 21/22/23. Now I'm getting 27/28!! I think it's because I'm so tired and I have this massive dark circles under my eyes. To go along with the grey hair and wrinkles!


This is so not cool - I need to do something about it asap! So I treated myself today to some expensive pampering goodies - I figured if I just wasn't so tired all the time, then I wouldn't look tired and then I wouldn't look so damn old! I swear it's since I started this new job - the commute is killing me...not to mention knackering me out. But I refuse to be all about work so I'm always trying to fit everything in and am always busy.

But I'm excited about tomorrow...because I'm going shopping for the first time since I moved! I know there will only be crap sale stuff left but just having the knowledge that I don't have to restrain myself from buying anything makes me so happy!!! Now I just have to decide where....I think I might start in Shinjuku and then hit up Omote-sando if I still have time. I won't be hitting the stores until like 3 or something because I have other stuff going on all morning. No rest for the wicked! *sigh*


Saturday 9 January 2010

A Night In

I cancelled my plans to go out tonight because just for once, I wanted to stay at home and chill.

I realised today that I'm out of the house 7 days a week. I don't get that one day where I just slob out at home. This week has been no exception but so far, this year has been really, really busy - work, going to the gym and just catching up with lots of friends. I'm gonna be doing that again tomorrow so I just wanted tonight to just relax!!! I did want to go and meet my friend but after work, I just didn't have the energy. One of my kids even told me that I looked really tired and then when I looked in the mirror, I saw that I had massive dark circles under my eyes and looked about 10 years older!! That was enough to deter me from going out tonight! When you haven't seen someone for ages, you always kinda wanna look good you know? And I definitely was not looking good!!


Thursday 7 January 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Last year, I made ten New Year's resolutions.

Out of that ten, guess how many I managed to keep? A measely 3. I did succeed in doing all of them at some point, just not continuosly and definitely not long term.

I've been much more realistic with my resolutions this year. I'm not gonna share all of them with you - I always find that revealing too much never helps anyone - but I will tell you a few of them.

The 3 biggest things for me this year are to save money, get healthy and pass 2kyuu of the JLPT.

I am always in a constant battle to save money. The problem is I love to travel, and there are still so many countries that I want to go to, and being here, I want to make the most of it. So I know that I won't be able to save everything, but I can definitely put a bit aside every month - even if it is just a couple of man, it's better than nothing. And given that my salary is lower than it was on JET, and my rent is seven times higher, that makes saving all the more difficult.

When I say I want to get healthy, I mean in terms of exercise. I really need to work on my general fitness - stairs still kill me and I can't run. Even running to the train station when I'm late leaves me gasping for air. I'm doing alright with this already - ditching the train and walking to the gym, taking the stairs instead of using the escalators (or walking up the escalators if they're really long), and it definitely feels good. I can't change my diet - my love for cake and other sweet things will just simply not allow it. I'd just be downright miserable without my cake - and everyone who knows me knows that that's true! LOL! But I know I need to get off my lazy arse and start doing something about it!

I never studied properly for the 3kyuu of the JLPT so I kind of need to review the grammar and kanji for that level before I even start on studying the 2kyuu. I've been reviewing the vocab on my train ride to work and I'm really shocked I managed to pass 3kyuu given how much of the recommended vocab I don't actually know. And don't even get me started on the kanji readings - I mean, I can tell you the English meanings, but for the most part, I don't have a clue how to actually say any of them. I figured that I can give myself until end February to go over the 3kyuu stuff properly - it's more the vocab than the grammar that I'm worried about. Then from March onwards, I'll concentrate fully on the 2kyuu. I would like to start from next month really, but I wanna be realistic, and with my working hours, I won't be able to review everything by the end of this month. Maybe I can aim for mid February instead...we'll see how it goes.

So yah - those are the main things that I've got going on this year. I also want to travel whenever I can - I hate wasting opportunities and I've already lost one by not going anywhere over the winter break so I definitely want to make up for that. Travel aims this year are Seoul, Malaysia and Singapore, trip to the States to see friends and either a trip back to UK or Australia/NZ. Bora Bora is definitely out - I know I said I would make it happen this year but it's impossible because I won't be able to save enough money before I want to go. And taking that trip would mean that I wouldn't be able to do anything for the rest of the year - and I definitely don't want that to happen.

On a completely different note, I had a bit of a proud moment in the classroom today, when one of my babies stood up on his own for the second time ever! It really is quite remarkable working with babies and watching their development. I also have another baby who has started clapping! When I met him he couldn't even walk. So cute.


Wednesday 6 January 2010

You're Kidding Me, Right?

In my efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle (well, healthy in terms of exercise, not food!!!!), I've been walking to the gym and trying to stairs instead of using the escalators...sometimes :P

And now I've pulled a muscle in my arse!! At least, that's what I think it's from! ;-)

This is how I get rewarded?! Obviously, I've been trying to change too much too fast. And especially on days like today where I have to practically power walk to get back to my house and get to work, it's not surprising that something pulled. Why don't I go straight to work from the gym? I would, if I didn't have to commute so far. But taking my gym back an hour and 10 mins on a rammed train is so far from ideal, it's not even funny. The less shit you're carrying, the better. And as long as they're time to drop my stuff off, I'm gonna do it - even if I do have to powerwalk!

I've been arriving at work absolutely shattered this week. I try to study on the train and I just feel so drained byt he time I arrive at work...and then I never catch a break because I teach 6 classes a day, and then it's time for the ghastly commute back home.

It just feels like I'm constantly busy. And there's a lot going on this month as well - I'm gonna be having visitors plus a good friend is moving back to Tokyo and gonna be crashing with me for a while. Not to mention the social shit that's going on as well. Always something to do.

A with a recommended 600 study hours for 2kyuu....well, I don't think I'm ever gonna be short of anything to do!!

On that note, I need to go to bed! So tired.



Monday 4 January 2010


So while I was trying to work out how I was going to get into a regular study routine, I started reading up on the new JLPT.

And that's when the doubts started to come - whether I would realistically be able to pass 2kyuu this year.

The level N3 that they've put in between 3kyuu and 2kyuu is totally manageable. The kanji, the amount of vocab and the approximate study hours all would be doable - even with my crazy schedule. I took a look at some sample quesitons and they were hard, but I know that if I was to knuckle down and study, I can seriously do it.

N2 has over 400 more kanji, a ridiculous amount of vocab and another 150 extra recommended studying hours. I was wondering when the hell I would be able to fit that into my schedule. I get home so late...I just can't see it happening. That's hard work to the point that I would actually have no other life....and that would kill me.

But then I realised that if I was to do N3 and pass it, which I know I will, I will still be in the same position as I am now - stuck in teaching because I still won't have 2kyuu. And isn't that the whole point?! I've figured that what I'll do is start studying for it and then decide in like September or whenever the application process starts. That way, if I'm no way near ready, as may as well take N3...for no other reason than to know that I can pass it. One step closer and all that.

I just need to work out how I can realistically do this....


Fresh Air!

In my new year's resolution quest to save money, I decided to start walking to the gym.

From leaving my house right up to walking into the gym entrance took no more than 6 minutes - 2 mins from my house to the station, 3 minutes on the train and then less than a minute to walk to the gym at the other end. But today, I worked out that spending 340yen on the return train ticket was setting me back nearly an extra 6000yen a month! SCANDALOUS!!

I can't believe that I have been pissing away money like that for a couple of months now. That alone would cover the membership fee for a month!

So today I decided to walk - it only took 25 mins and felt great. Yeh, it's freezing outside but the knowledge of how much money I will be saving by not being so lazy makes it all worth it. The best thing about it is that I was walking in a direction that I had never been in before and have discovered a whole load of awesome restaurants on my doorstep! And a whole load of stores! Sweet!

I won't be able to walk every time that I go though. I know for sure that I will have to get the train there on the days that I go after work, otherwise I will never make the classes in time....and then on one day I only have a short amount of time to actually make it into work and it's already rushed as it is, so I'm not sure I'll even have the time to walk.

All that money. Such a waste.

I've also been looking into joining a pole dancing fitness school. A friend of mine has been doing it for a while and her body is absolutely incredible! Not to mention that she has increased flexibilty and can do all sorts of acrobatic tricks. The stigma that is attached to pole dancing has changed so much and so many people, including myself, are appreciating the art form as it moves away from the sleazy club image that so many of us have of it. It's pretty expensive though and the class times are pretty dodgy, but I'm hoping that I can figure something out - I mean, if I have a body like my friend's, then I will have an even more banging body than I did when I went to Bali last year! LOL!



Sunday 3 January 2010

Slow Jamz

You always go through a phase of listening to one type of music.

Right now, I have gone back to listening to a lot of slow jamz. After a blinding NYE of reggae and dancehall, I love feeling so chilled out. Loads of people hate on slow jamz because of the lyrics but meh, whatever. I've totally gone off listening to underground hip hop - I'm just not into it anymore, but I'm still loving my reggae - that's something that just never seems to go away. And I will ALWAYS love dancehall. Slow jamz and dancehall - my ultimate faves.

Where would we be without our music?

I love being surrounded by people into different music because you can learn so much from them. And I definitely do...I also thinks it almost helps you to understand someone as well.

I just spoke to my boy over in Kyushu - it's always good to have a chinwag with him and I can't wait to see him again and hang out in my fave bar. All good times to come.



I cannot believe it's nearly time to go back to work already.

From 29th, right up until today, I have been seeing friends everyday - catching up, hanging out...it's been absolutely fabulous but now I'm absolutely exhausted and from tomorrow it's back to the gym and time to get back into my routine.

I just can't get over how quickly my time off went - it's been so crazy. I am so just kicking back and chilling at home by myself today - I might be meeting up with friends later but that's gonna depend how much sleep I get this afternoon! I woke up with a really interesting bruise on my arm - wonder where the hell that came from?!

So tired. And so not ready to get back to work. I need a week just to get over this one!


Saturday 2 January 2010


I had a ridiculously awesome last week of 2009. I caught up with so many friends and had such a great NYE - just how I like to start a new year!

I am so ridiculously tired today but I still have to go out tonight because a friend from Kyushu is in town and I wanna hang out. I had like a perfect Friday night in last night - I watched Avatar with a friend while we scoffed pizza and a billion sides!

Avatar - what an UNBELIEVABLE movie. I was just thrown by the beauty of it. The storyline was great and there were just some really BEAUTIFUL moments in it which really got me. Definitely one to buy on Blu-ray! Can you imagine!! I really can't wait for that.

Hope you all had a great NYE too. I went to Shibuya for the countdown - not what I was expecting but after that we drove to Roppongi and had our own little countdown in the car and then hit up one of my favourite spots for a night of free!!!! Music was so on point that my feet were literally burning by the end of the night. The trip back was seriously painful and I think I may have had my beer goggles on when my friend told me that a guy that I thought was buff, was actually fat. DOH! Lol!!

All the luck in the world for this year!! Just make it happen! I know I definitely will be!
