“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 10 January 2010


I am seriously starting to show my age.

I'm used to being told that I look like I'm 21/22/23. Now I'm getting 27/28!! I think it's because I'm so tired and I have this massive dark circles under my eyes. To go along with the grey hair and wrinkles!


This is so not cool - I need to do something about it asap! So I treated myself today to some expensive pampering goodies - I figured if I just wasn't so tired all the time, then I wouldn't look tired and then I wouldn't look so damn old! I swear it's since I started this new job - the commute is killing me...not to mention knackering me out. But I refuse to be all about work so I'm always trying to fit everything in and am always busy.

But I'm excited about tomorrow...because I'm going shopping for the first time since I moved! I know there will only be crap sale stuff left but just having the knowledge that I don't have to restrain myself from buying anything makes me so happy!!! Now I just have to decide where....I think I might start in Shinjuku and then hit up Omote-sando if I still have time. I won't be hitting the stores until like 3 or something because I have other stuff going on all morning. No rest for the wicked! *sigh*


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