“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Early Riser

Even though I don't start work until 2pm today, I still woke up at 9am.

Because if I didn't, I woudn't actually be able to do anything with my day. I have to catch the train at 12.20 to make sure that I get in on time (a ghastly, ghastly commute involving 2 transfers and a bus ride) so in retrospect, I still don't have that much time in the morning to do the things that I need to do.

And on top of that I'm absolutely knackered. I did not sleep well last night - at all. I'm not even sure why - I was in bed a little earlier than usual.I have a friend staying and he was knocked out because of jetlag and the fact that we'd been out for the best part of the day. And my eyes couldn't take any more studying so I went to bed as well. But now I feel like I've only had a few hours sleep because I woke up so early.

Speaking of studying, I bought some study books for the 2kyuu exam yesterday. And my God, I have got such a long way to go! I took a quick browse at the kanji section of last year's test, and of the 40 questions, I could only answer 6! But in all fairness, I haven't studied for it yet, so I think you can forgive me for that! I can't really start on a lot of them until I review the 3kyuu grammar, vocab and kanji and at least learn some of the 6000 words I need to learn! LOL!! It's mad scary and I'm really not sure that I can do it.


Think I might grab a quick 10 minute nap before I have to put on my make up and leave for work.


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