“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 2 January 2010


I had a ridiculously awesome last week of 2009. I caught up with so many friends and had such a great NYE - just how I like to start a new year!

I am so ridiculously tired today but I still have to go out tonight because a friend from Kyushu is in town and I wanna hang out. I had like a perfect Friday night in last night - I watched Avatar with a friend while we scoffed pizza and a billion sides!

Avatar - what an UNBELIEVABLE movie. I was just thrown by the beauty of it. The storyline was great and there were just some really BEAUTIFUL moments in it which really got me. Definitely one to buy on Blu-ray! Can you imagine!! I really can't wait for that.

Hope you all had a great NYE too. I went to Shibuya for the countdown - not what I was expecting but after that we drove to Roppongi and had our own little countdown in the car and then hit up one of my favourite spots for a night of free!!!! Music was so on point that my feet were literally burning by the end of the night. The trip back was seriously painful and I think I may have had my beer goggles on when my friend told me that a guy that I thought was buff, was actually fat. DOH! Lol!!

All the luck in the world for this year!! Just make it happen! I know I definitely will be!


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