“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 26 January 2011


I have a very legit reason for not making it to the gym this morning.

After I was done at the pool yesterday, I didn't wash my swimming costume. I got up early this morning, put a load on but even though I shoved it in the drier, it wasn't dry by the time I needed to leave.

And we all know how horrible it is to put a wet costume on!! We're not allowed to wear bikinis in the pool otherwise I would of gone. So yah, I couldn't make it today. Just trying to motivate myself for a home workout with the body ball! Not going so well - LOL!!

I've actually started using it as a chair - feels like it's doing wonders for my posture - lengthening my back and working those stomach muscles...I've become pretty good at diaphragm breathing since I spend most of the day holding my stomach in!! I wonder if all this is just my imagination and it's not really doing anything at all?!!?

Need to squeeze in a 15 minute session before I head out for my Japanese trial classes. Yep - I've finally gotten off my arse and am gonna join a Japanese school. It's gonna be so weird being on the other end of the selling spectrum so it'll definitely be interesting! I had a level check before I made the appointment and 2 of the schools have placed me in advanced classes. OH DEAR!! Think they might actually get a bit of a shock when they hear me speak!!!! HAHA!!

I told you before, I'm the opposite to everyone else when it comes to my languages. Most people have stronger listening and speaking skills to start off with, but I'm more like the Japanese learning English - my reading and writing skills are much stronger in all of my languages.

Definitely looking forward to see what happens - I'll let ya know!!


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