“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 7 January 2011

It's -1!!!

As I got on my flight in Hong Kong, my heart just sank when I saw a couple with 2 babies sit across the aisle from me.

Honestly, I was so tired I just felt like crying as I saw the plane fill out and realised that I wouldn't be able to change seats. For the first time ever, I was just so exhausted that I knocked out and found myself dozing pretty comfortably throughout the flight. That never happens!

As we approached Tokyo the pilot told us that it was minus 1 degrees. It was approaching 30 when I left Sydney so I was so scared about the inevitable shock that I would feel on leaving the plane. I stole the blanket and used it was a scarf but still suffered tremendously on my trip back home. Really pissed as well coz I left 2 new books that I bought on the train. Sure, if I was that bothered, I reckoned I could get them back, but that would involve trekking all the way back to the other side of Tokyo and it's just not worth all the hassle. AUS$60 down the drain!! Oh well, the Japanese really need to brush up their English skills - hopefully someone will put it to good use.....yeh I know - unlikely!

Every time I come back to Japan it's always an eye opener to see how bad this country is at receiving international visitors. I watched so mnay foreigners struggling to ask for simple help with the trains and the staff just couldn't understand them or spoke so poorly that the tourists didn't have a clue/ For a country as developed as this, it's mind blowing how far behind other Asian countries it is when it comes to speaking English. Whilst this is changing (well, I mean if it wasn't then we wouldn't have jobs right?), the results are yet to be seen and no one seems to even care.

I'm at home under the electric blanket but having to get up to use the bathroom is torture. When will this damn country understand the wonderful concept of central heating?! It's not right to be shivering like this in your own house!! I need to go out and get some food and stuff but I'm just gonna enjoy having a lazy day and doing nothing. All that stuff can be done tomorrow.


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