“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 19 January 2011


OMG I had a BLINDING day off last Wednesday.

I finally made it to FUJI Q - a mammoth theme pack close to Mount Fuji for those of you who have never heard of it.

HOW MUCH FUN is that place?! Completely whoops Disneyland's arse! Although I have to say, I wouldn't wanna be there in peak seasons - the queues must be unbearable! The longest that we had to queue for was about 30 minutes and it was just so nice being able to wonder around without getting stressed out by crowds. My friend and I were so worried about being cold but it was a gorgeous day and Mount Fuji just looked STUNNING. So beautiful covered in snow. =)


Gorgeous right?

The world's tallest rollercoaster is at this theme park - Fujiyama. Typical that the day that I choose to go there, it's closed for maintenance!!! >_<>

There was another ride as well - you know those ones that shoot you off really fast? This one accelerates off at 172km/hr. 3, 2, 1 and then WHOOSH! You're gone. I LOVED it!!!

After we were done at the park, we hit up Fujiyama onsen. The perfect way to end the day because we were so knackered. Because we went in a week day, it would of been so easy to go on all of the rides however many times we would have liked. But I'm not joking - I couldn't take all the excitement. I can't even believe that I'm saying that because normally I would LOVE the chance to go on a ride x amount of times. They were just so awesome that we knackered ourselves out with all the screaming and laughing and then by the end of the day we just couldn't take anymore! The other great thing was that we were able to go on ALL of the rides because there were no queues. I have a lot of friends who have been to Fuji Q and they said that they were waiting for 2-3 hours per ride and only ended up going on a couple, so my friend and I really lucked out.

What a great way to spend a day off. I slept so well that day...although I went to bed too early and ended up waking up at stupid o clock. Had a mad sore throat as well from all the screaming.

More pictures to come on Facebook!


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