“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 9 January 2011

First Day Back

You know what, I honestly have no idea how I manage to teach 14-16 lessons in a normal day.

I only taught 8 today and I'm absolutely KNACKERED!

I think i didn't realise just how tired I was after my holiday. Even though I took yesterday off and went to bed early, I feel like I just need the whole week to wind down.

It was so weird going back in. I was completely out of my flow - I just didn't feel like I was really there and felt like I didn't really know what I was doing all day. I was talking but paying no attention to anything that was coming out of my mouth. I wasn't listening to a word my clients were saying - my mind was anywhere else. It was like someone else was there and I was just watching. A very weird sensation! The same conversations all day - Xmas, New Year, my tan, my trip. It was funny because out of all the people that I saw today, only ONE noticed that I have dyed my hair black. Everyone else was too preoccupied with the tan!

The thought if getting up at 5am and starting at 7am is just awful!! Did I really get into that much a routine?!


Looking forward to the changes that I've made in my schedule to have a couple of later starts and some Sundays off. I still need to work a lot so that I can pay for the Japanese course that I want to enrol into so can't quite give up weeeknds just yet.

So tired.

Fuck it - I'm going to bed....and it's not even 10.30pm!


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