“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 1 January 2011


Where did last year go?!?!!

I decided to see the new year in with fireworks at Sydney Harbour Bridge. I've met so many people here and had so many invites for what sounded like really cool parties but you know what - it's my first (and maybe only) new year in Sydney and the fireworks just had to be done.

I got down to the harbour at 4pm, which was already too late to find a spot in the shade. Living in Asia, I'm used to humidity and heat but there's definitely something different about Australian sun. It's not humid here but the sun is so much stronger and you can just feel your skin cooking. Out comes the SPF 30+ suncream! Amazing since i never used anything above a factor 8 in Europe.

Everyon came prepared - blankets, cushions, food, drink, parasols.....what did I have? Food and that was it. As I parked my arse down on the concrete, I realised that I would have to endure 8 hours of pure miscomfort. And my god by 11.30pm I was willing the time to go faster and faster with every bit of strength that I had!! It was so EXHAUSTING!! Plus, I was there on my own so it's not like I had riveting conversation to help pass the time. I did meet this other guy who was there on his own and he asked to join me. Stupidly I said yes and was then subjected to hours of dull conversation which made me fall asleep. I think I nearly nodded off a couple of times.

The fireworks blew me away. It's not hard to see why Sydney is THE place to see in the New Year. Just this incredible show and it was absolutely stunning. During those 12 minutes, everything seemed worth it. But I'll tell ya what - I would NEVER do it again. I'd be more tempted to be on one of those boat cruises instead. I know I could have seen the fireworks from a rooftop party or whatever, but I just wanted to do it properly this one time. Definitely an experience I will never repeat.

Sydney is a really cool city. Laid back but extremely expensive. I was here longer than I had planned to be but it gave me the chance to spend more time with friends. I had to smile to myself last night at the irony of the fact that I came here to see friends, yet I ended up seeing in the new year by myself. That's what happens when you want to be a tourist!

So I'm gonna hang out on the beach today and getting the bus to Byron Bay tonight. I've heard nothing but great things about Byron and I'm really looking forward to a few days of beach hopping and relaxing.

It's gonna be hard to go back to Japan after this!!


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