“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 11 January 2012

And The Ball's Rolling!

I'll tell you what - I'm really hoping that this positive attitude I'm carrying around with me lasts.

Nothing lasts forever, but I'm gonna try and hang on to this for as long as possible! I haven't felt this relaxed and carefree in a long time - all the annoying things about Tokyo, about work aren't giving me the frown lines like they used to. Don't get me wrong - things still bother me and people still bother me but I'm not letting them GET to me. Not like I used to anyway.

Laos really worked wonders me - it really has. And another fabulous point is that I'm WAY more tanned than I even realised! When I was in Laos, my friend and I realised that we had managed to "catch the sun", but coming back and looking in the mirror, I've developed a gorgeous healthy glow....and a sunglasses mark!! DOH! I'm having to plaster make up on the lighter patches to try and make it look a LITTLE more even! HAHA! Absolutely loving this colour!!

So I finally submitted my application to do my CELTA. It all feels a little rushed and last minute - especially since if I get accepted, I'll be off again in just a matter of weeks. During my stopover in Bangkok, I was wondering to my friend if I was ready to come back to SE Asia again so soon after being in Laos for 2 weeks. But the fact of the matter is, February is one of the best months to go.

Bangkok is supposedly the hottest city in the world. When I was there a few years back in December, it was a sauna. April is the hottest (and most miserable) month, then it hits the rainy and typhoon season and then before you know it, it's back to Christmas again. February has the best night time temperatures, plus it's brutally cold in Japan so it's a win-win all round for me to go next month.

Plus, I'm wondering if I'll even do it if I don't do it next month, Something always comes up. The thing that's holding me back in money. I'll pretty much have to empty my account to pay the course, the accomoodation and the flight. I haven't even looked into flight prices yet, and even though it's the end of the peak season, I have a feeling that they're still gonna be pretty pricey. But if I get accepted onto the course, I'll have no choice but to pay!

I guess it's only money. The crappy thing is that whatever I earn this month is not only what I'll have to take with me, but it's also what I'm going to have to live on until payday in April. OUCH!!!! It's definitely going to be tight - there's no question about that! Oh well - I know it will be worth it in the end. All it means is that I won't be able to go away in GW. That hurts so much!! (T T)

On a completely different (and probably non interesting note for you guys!!!), I finally got a 2012 diary and calendar!!! I LOVE starting a new diary - putting in all the appointments for the month and stuff. It always starts off so neat - lol! And they always smell really good! (^_^)

Don't laugh - you KNOW I have a thing about stationery and notebooks and stuff. 


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