“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 29 January 2012

Made It!

I actually made it to the gym today!


That's twice this week. \(^0^)/

I haven't been to that step class in literally over 6 months. Probably nearer 8. 


The instructor squealed 久しぶり (Long time no see) at me when I walked into the studio. Causing everyone in there to turn around and have a good gawp. LOL! 

I have missed that class so much! It makes me feel angry at my own laziness - it felt great to be back in the studio doing aerobics again and it took all of 5 minutes to get back into it! It's just a shame that I'm heading out next Sunday because I'm worried that the lazy bug might kick back in so when I come back in March, I'll fall into bad habits again. After going back to the class today though, I'm determined not to let that happen.

I got a shock as well when I saw myself in the mirror - all this walking around Tokyo has seriously toned my legs!!! I did a double take when I was looking at the muscle definition of my calves! YAY! Just wish this stupid pot belly would just disappear in the same way. And no - I don't do diets!!!

I planned to go to Tesco just to pick up some meat and yoghurt. LOL - I left with a whopping 6,000yen's worth of food! There was so much discounted stuff - especially the veg - so I picked up a whole load! Looks like I'm gonna be cooking a lot this week - I came home and made a crab and avocado salad, spag bol and then ebi chilli for lunch tomorrow. I have to make sure I use all this stuff up! The meat doesn't matter coz I can just shove it in the freezer, but I always end up wasting so much veg!!  Naturally I picked up some ginger nuts too, but the find of the day was....Tesco's own fruity brown sauce!!!!! I've only ever seen HP in international supermarkets and it's a complete and utter rip off!! But there it was on the shelf - Teco's own and at a reasonable 139 yen!!! GET IN!!

Great day today.


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