“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 12 January 2012

Next Stop: Bangkok!


So I had my interview for the CELTA course....and have been accepted!


I was worried about the interview before because they recommended leaving about 50 minutes for it and I only had my 40 minute break time that I was able to do it in. 

But it was so easy and the whole thing was over in like 20 minutes!!

So it looks like I'm off to Bangkok next month!

So ready to get back in the sun - I'm not made for winter.

Now I'm in a mad rush to try and get everything done. Problem number one - because it's less than a month before the start date of the course, I have to make the full payment within 24 hours...which would be fine, but I can't make the payment in Japanese yen!! So now I have to transfer money to the UK and then do an online transfer into the school's UK account. 24 hours? Never going to happen! They've already sent me 2 emails today asking for payment but I didn't get home until late so I've only just seen them! Even though I'm gonna make the transfers tomorrow, it's still gonna take a few days until the payment's finally confirmed - here's hoping that they understand!!

Problem number 2 - I had a quick look at flights to Bangkok for the dates that I'm gonna be there and they cost an absolute fortune!! Way more than a flight back to the UK!! (T T) It's the tail end of peak season but the weather is absolutely perfect in February, so it's still a super popular time to go over there. The crap thing is, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it - I have to pay. I could risk waiting until the last minute to book but then of course, if the flight is full, I'll be screwed. I wanna fly out the day before the course starts so that I'll be able to work right until the last minute, but that also leaves me no room for any flexibility with my flights. So whatever the cost, I'm gonna have to pay.

I am so pumped!! It'll be nice to get out and live in another country for a bit - even if it is only a month. Just need to get this payment sorted, book the flights, and then I'll be able to relax!


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