“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 21 January 2012

Down Time

What a chilled weekend I'm having.

I decided to stay in both last night and tonight - not only because the weather is too ghastly to go out in, but because I just needed some down time.

I've been on the go since I came back from Laos. It's like I landed, got back home and was straight back into chaos without having the chance to enjoy that moment of tranquility at home before jumping straight back into work.

So I wanted to spend a couple of evenings just mooching about - doing things but NOT doing things, spending the time to cook a decent dinner, kick back and watch TV and have a LONG, scalding hot shower. 

And it feels good. 

Everything's all confirmed now for my course next month. A hectic week, but the course has been paid for, my flight has been booked and paid for, I've got my accommodation sorted and the rent has been paid for. My bank balance is a sorry state, but it's all out the way and I don't have to worry about it anymore. My accommodation? A studio apartment in a complex...with a pool. NICE! Seeing as I'm gonna have to restrain myself on shopping (not sure how that's gonna work out), I decided that if I had to study on the weekend, then I may as well kill 2 birds with one stone and top up my tan as well! And even it out after all the tan lines I got in Laos! Come on  now - I need to relax SOMETIME! HAHA!

Now I have to work out how to pay for the rest of the bills I have here in Tokyo! Such a hassle but it's gotta be done....at some point before I leave,

But in the meantime, I'm just gonna relax and enjoy the rest of the evening lazing around.

Have a good one people!


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