“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 24 January 2012


OMG it is absolutely ghastly and freezing today!!!! 


By the time I headed out this morning, the sun had already started doing it's job and melting the snow. But of course, most of it had turned to ice and the pavements were a complete nightmare.

How do you graciously walk over ice in gorgeous leather boots that have absolutely no grip?!

That's right - you don't! Sod trying to look graceful - I was just doing everything in my power to stop myself from slipping over and landing flat on my arse! LOL!

I got back home after my Japanese lesson to be greeted with the most HUMUNGOUS bills I've seen since I've been living in this house (what the hell was my flatmate doing when I was away!?!?!?!!?!?) and the dreaded tax return forms.

Honestly, I am stunned at the size of the electricity and gas bill. I was actually gonna be nice and just split the bills in the middle, despite the fact that I was away for over 2 weeks, but then I saw the size of them and HELL NO!!! There's no way I'm gonna pay for the time I wasn't here!!! I hope she's aware that next month she's gonna be footing the bills herself while I'm away so I hope she's more careful!!!

Really can't be arsed to go into work this evening. I don't wanna go back outside. =(

Think I'll have a nice cup of tea before I head out. A caramel digestive wouldn't go amiss either...who wants to send me some?! >_-


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