“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 23 August 2008


I was debating for HOURS whether to go out tonight.

And then I decided I just couldn't do it. And neither could the people I was planning on going out with. I could've done one of 2 things.

1) I could have driven into town.

2) Got the bus in and take the last train back.

Both options suck. Obviously if I was to drive in, then I wouldn't be able to drink. Which isn't really THAT big of a deal becasue I've done it loads of times before. What it is is how much that would set me back in tolls because I would be driving in alone. It's like over 1000yen one way, and then there's petrol. Oh and the fact that my car would probably break down on the way there. Not an attractive option.

And the obvious prob with the second option is that the last train is at like 11.30 or something. So you have to leave while the night is still young. Also not another appealing fact.

And I guess I left out the 3rd option of doing another all nighter.......the first bus back in the morning is at 8am. By the time you get back you feel so rough I can't stand it. The first train is at like 5.30am. Which would be absolutely fine if it didn't involve switching twice. Unless you have someone there to wake you up at those transfer points, then I know I would sleep right through them and end up in some godforsaken unknown place.

So I decided to stay in. Just me and several episodes of House.

And I still have a headache.


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