“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 11 August 2008

Still No Progress

So instead of studying, I've been thinking loads of random and weird thoughts.

Like when people tell you they're busy. And then you see that they've been messing around online - checking one blog or another. Not that I'm been checking or anything ;-)

And then there's people and their phones. This is really annoying. So someone sends you a message. You reply straightaway...and then you hear nothing from that person for HOURS!! We all know you're just trying to look busy so JUST REPLY!! Grrrrr.....oooh and when someone has LITERALLY just sent you a message and you call them and they don't pick up the phone...or when you have LITERALLY just missed someone's call and you call them STRAIGHT back and they don't pick up the phone - that one really gets under my skin....

Also, when you ask someone a question and you never get a direct answer. I always tell people that I will always ask questions - it doesn't mean that they have to answer. But why don't people just SAY that instead of dodging. Not exactly sublte.

On a more fabulous note, I have just found out that I will have a fabulous big ass car for a little bit longer!! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! God I look good behind the wheel of a forrester!!

Doh...i REALLY need to study....my contact lenses hurt...still can't be arsed to do anything about either of those things...

I think I'll eat some startburst instead...where did the cherry flavour come from?! I HATE cherry flavoured things! Although I like cherries...weird eh?


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