“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 25 August 2008

Japan - Tell the Truth!!

One of the things that I despise about Japanese people is their inability to just tell you the straight honest truth.

I had my work evaluation today. Each school had to make me on a series of aspects - the highest you could score for each was 3.

I was shocked to see I scored the highest at my middle school. The school I hate working at the most. Absolutely GLOWING comments, I feel a lil bit guilty about hating it so much. Or maybe I'm just an amazing actress.

But the schock came with one of the schools where I adore the kids the most. Not keen on the teachers but I really enjoy this school. For 'Appropriate Behaviour and Punctuality' I got scored a 1. At the other 4 schools I got a 3. Now, when a score for a pretty important aspect is so low, you would expect to see a reason in the comments box.

But oh no....

All that was written there was 'Jade is one of the most pleasurable ALTs we have worked with. The students are eager and her classes are fun. She is competent and professional and tries her hardest to communicate in Japanese and uses simple English which is easy for everyone to understand. We are very satisfied with her work'.

No mention of inappropriate behaviour!! The scored and the comments are completely contradictory!! I showed it to my supervisor and being the cutie she is, she suggested it may have been a typing error since I scored the maximum from the other schools in that area.

The even more incredulous thing about this is THEY WEREN'T EVEN PREPARED TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! You get given an evaluation and that's it!! Unlucky for them.......me being the confrontational person I am...I've demanded a meeting with the teachers at the school so that can explain their scores.

Even more unlucky for them is this is the school where I have the most problems with the teacher....I've asked them to have meetings so we can talk about what to teach - they tell me they don't have time and that they're happy with whatever I prepare.
I've complained 3 times about being left in the classroom on my own - every time a kind has been hurt and I sprained my wrist once.
The teacher who is supposed to teach with me has not been in that class for 14 weeks...to be replaced with the deputy head who sits at the desk and sleeps.

I am REALLY looking forward to this meeting. Think they may have been rating themselves on inappropriate behaviour ;-)

I'm gonna rip them apart!


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