“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 7 August 2008

Ego Booster

With teaching you often wonder if you're doing a good job...

...and it's always awesome to be told you really, really are.

I've spent 3 days over the last week with other English teachers teaching primary school teachers how to teach. Quite amusing really seeing as most of us have no teaching qualifications whatsoever. But there is one thing that makes us valuable to them...

...we speak English.

And that is what we were teaching them. Classroom English.

I had a great time doing it. Quite a refreshing change to teach adults actually. Although for the most part they act just like the kids do when we played games. It was awesome.

At the end they have to fill in an evaluation form of the seminar. And I got some glowing reports. Not just the usual 'she speaks slowly and clearly' (although that in itself is a good thing), but things like 'she has a big, charming smile', 'she always encourages you', 'it's easy to ask her questions' and other things like that.

Maybe stupid but it's like a feel good thing. People that you work with all the time always tell you you're doing great. So you don't really know whether that's true or not. So when you go into a completely new environment and work with people you don't know, hearing that they think you're a good teacher is awesome!


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