“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 26 August 2008

What is with these people?!

The student loans people do my nut.

What the hell is their deal anyway?!!!!!

Last year they deduced from my salary that I should be making repayments of £1.72 a month.

Like that's gonna make a dent.

Then I has to send them another form to account for the next 12 months...my salary is exactly the same but the next 12 months I have to make repayments of 5 quid a month.

The difference is bound to be due to the insane fluctuations in the £-YEN exchange rates. Whatever - paying back a fiver a month doesn't bother me.

What does fuck me off however, is the fact that they ask for these dumb ass repayments that don't even make a nick in the INTEREST that I'm paying every month on this loan. A whopping 50 quid a month has taken the total that i owe to over 20 grand.


And these repayments don't even come within a fraction of making a difference. A tenth of the interest. That's what I'm repaying every month. Fools. Well, looks like I won't have paid that off by the time I'm 65 so the slate gets wiped clean.

Of course I could use the money that I'm earning to make extra repayments..

HELL NO!! That money is buying me a damn house!!! Who in their right mind would choose paying off their loan rather than buying a house?!

These things should be interest free dammit. You get an education and you have to pay for it for the rest of your life.

Me thinks not!

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