“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 9 March 2009


Scotland Bar, Karatsu, August 2007

When I first arrived in Japan I went to a welcome party. There is ALWAYS an after party which results in a lot of drinking and karaoke. This is that after party!

Seems like such a long time ago now - and look how tanned I am!

And I swear I wasn't the only girl there! But I have no idea why it's just me right in the middle of a load of guys.

Enkais are really funny things. At school you can spend 100% of the time being ignored by the majority of teachers (bar your JTE's, the office lady and the librarian). But at an enkai, after they had like 2 beers, they suddenly start talking to you. Not only is that a shock but you discover that they can speak English! Granted, they can't speak it well and sometimes it's really difficult to understand but they know SOME. They just don't make the effort at school. Some people say it's because the teachers are really shy. But some teachers just outright don't like ALTs. I can't say that I blame them all the time. I found out that I get paid more than 2 of the teachers I work with. And they've taken exams and are actually qualified to teach. Unlike me who has just waltzed in from a completely teaching unrelated job, works less hours and get gets paid more.

I would be pissed too.

But these teachers are like completely different people at these enkais. Even if sometimes there is a lot of inappropriate behaviour!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drinking and karaoke,I think ıt was really funny. The picture is funny either:)I like Japanese people,they are always smiling.Good luck in Japan.