“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 12 March 2009


It was my last day for the year at one of my elementary schools today.

I left loaded with Thank You letters and useless gifts.

And then the head gave this massive speech in the staff room and all the teachers stood up and bowed and clapped.

I hate that kind of thing - I mean, it's nice but I get sooooo embarrassed!

Then as I was leaving all the staff lined up outside the school and clapped as I drove off!


I was like, you do realise I'll be back in 2 weeks right?!?!

What the hell's it gonna be like when I finish up for good in July?!

The letters are real sweet though. I don't even need the teachers to tell me how I've completely changed the kids opinions about English. I can see it myself. I know that when I got here they couldn't stand the English class. A year and a half on, I've been told by the teachers and kids alike that the English class is the one they look forward to most and that I've overtaken the cool, young sporty teacher as the kids' favourite teacher.

LOL needless to say I got absolutely nothing from 6nensei. I wasn't expecting to since I quit their classes 6 weeks ago. I'm normally at this school every Thursday morning. Next Thursday is their graduation ceremony but when I left today they told me that they would see me in April.

Looks like I'm not invited to that then! To be honest it would be weird given the way that things ended up. And it actually gives me the chance to go to one of the other elementary graduations. I didn't go to any last year.


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