“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 12 March 2009

That Worthwhile Moment

I just got back from my favourite class.

It's 5 and 6nensei combined coz it's such a small school. 6nensei alone are only 5 kids.

One of the 6nensei girls made me a bento box cover and then they gave me this photo of the whole class and loads of adorable messages all around it.

I cried.

Because I know that all of the messages were genuine. This has always been my favourite class. And reading how much of a difference you have made to them makes you realise that all of this is worthwhile. They wrote that they love my class and that I have made them want to get better at learning English and they're really sad that everything will change. I mean, I will still see them at Junior High School but the whole dynamic of English learning is completely different.

I gave the 6nensei loads of gifts. I gave them all pencils from London, chocolate and postcards. On the postcards I wrote them all an individual message in Japanese. I was doing fine in the class until my fave student read her message. I wrote to her : "This year I have come into school every week. Everytime that I talk to you, you make me genki. Thank you so much. Your attitude is amazing and you really are an incredible girl and have been a pleasure to teach. I hope you remain an ideal student in JHS".

As she was reading it, I could see her lip trembling and then she starting crying. That's what set me off. But I meant every wrod. This girl is incredible. She has been genki EVERY SINGLE WEEK that I've taught her and not only is she super smart and tries really really hard, she doesn't care if she's wrong and will throw anything out there. What I also love about her is that her positivity rubs off on all the other kids in the class. She is such a great motivator for all of them. I'm really interested to see if she maintains that in a class double the size of what she's used to.

It really was one of those moments which make me glad that I'm here and glad that I'm doing this.


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