“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 4 February 2009


I finally handed in my re-contracting decision form today.

The look on my supervisor's face when she saw that I'm leaving broke my heart.

I've now promised myself to enjoy every class that I have left. Sure, some of them suck but in 7 months I won't have to see any of them again. So I wanna make the most of it all - of the good and the bad classes. I have some GREAT teachers that I work with so I am gonna work really hard to go out on top. I don't wanna not care just because I'm moving. I want the kids to remember me!!!

I'm gonna make the most of having a car.

I am REALLY gonna miss having a car.

And the beach.

As soon as the weather is good enough, I am gonna hit up the beach at every possible opportunity. I can already see myself delaying packing to go to the beach.

I am REALLY gonna miss the beach. Beach BBQs, beach parties, camping......

And Fukuoka. I LOVE partying in Fukuoka. And the ramen there is AWESOME.

And the people. I have made some really good friends here and there's no denying that I am gonna be really sad parting ways with them.

But that's the way of life. The amount of people that have gone in and out of my life.....well.......

Here's to an awesome 7 months.


Oh, I don't have a drink!


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