“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 18 February 2009

To Shiver or Sweat - That is the Question

A little while ago I was having a conversation with some friends about whether they prefer the summer or winter.

In Japan they are both unforgiving.

I thought aout it for a long time and I have decided now that I prefer the summer.

The winters are so cold and with no central heating, I find it a constant struggle to stay warm. Wearing so many clothes that I look like I'm a size 20 and sitting in a freezing cold house that never seems to heat up. Although I still adore winter fashion - that's about the only thing that it has going for it. I don't like snow (but I do think it is pretty!!) and I certainly don't like being out in it!

The summers are so hot that you have to carry a towel around with you to wipe off the sweat! BUT, it's much easier to stay cool. You go go into the sea, leave the windows open, run a fan or the air con that actually manage to keep your house cool. I mean, yeh it is uncomfortable but it beats freezing your ass off. And then off course, they're the tan. Everyone looks better with a tan! Not to mention beach parties, BBQ and going out in the evening without a coat! Yay!

So def the summer for me.

Although the spring wins over all of them. Well, springs in Japan, definitely not in England! That period where the weather is warm without being humid and it's just so DAMN NICE!! Especially with all the cherry blossoms. So pretty!

Bring on the spring!

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