“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 21 February 2009

I LOVE Travelling

I am so excited about the trips coming up.

The first one will be a road trip across Shikoku.

Next, is 5 days in Kyoto.

And then the big one. 10 days in Indonesia. Java. Bali.

This is gonna be one of the most incredible trips of my life.

Not only is Bali paradise, but Java has got some sights I know are going to literally take my breath away. And I'm really excited because a friend from England is coming and meeting me there.

Funny that it's cheaper for her to fly to Bali from London than it is for me to fly there from Japan.

When you get a good group of people together, it MAKES a trip.

You don't have the loneliness that sometimes occurs travelling alone.

The best it is that you have the option of splitting off and doing your own thing. Everyone doesn't have to stick together. And a couple of the people that I'm going with are like me in that way. If I wanna do something that no one else wants to do, I just go off and do it. When it comes ot travelling, I always know what i wanna do and I make sure that I do those things. You can't fly to another country and just follow the crowd. That's not cool.

I am so damn excited. When I see pics of where I'm going to be going, I just get into this state of disbelief that i am going to get to experience something so incredible.

It's totally worth not saving a penny if this is what I'm getting from it.

Worth every damn penny.

I can't wait.

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