“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 7 April 2009

The New School Year

It was the first day back at school yesterday. I walked in to find the staffroom sparkling clean...and my desk in the same place. I'm not particularly bothered about desk positions but I hate where mine is. I would rather be sitting with my back against one of the walls instead of in the aisle. They never seem to move the position of the ALT desk.

I also realised how many teachers have left. I wouldn't know because I skipped the farewell enkai but I was greeted with a load of empty desks. Again, not particularly bothered because I wasn't overly keen on them anyway.

The biggest change I noticed? The attitude of the new 3nenseis. Only 2 weeks ago they were 2nenseis and I didn't like them then either. Now they're strutting around the school like they own the place! Some boys said to me this morning 'Hello Jeido! Now we are big boys!' I couldn't help but laugh! I'm excited for them though because they've had the same JTE for 2 years and she stuck to the book like glue so they never had any fun. Now that JTE's left so hopefully things will be better for them.

This is the last stretch for me. It feels kinda weird that this is my last term. I'm also pleased because I feel ready for something new - a different environment anyway. Saying that it already feels different with so many new teachers at my base school. And they've introduced textbooks for 5 and 6nensei at elementary school now. Not a good move.

Although it does take a lot of the pressure off me because now the HRTs have to be T1!!


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