“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 3 April 2009


I've just finished reading 'The Gift' by Cecelia Ahern.

A pretty standard storyline really. The protagonist is an incredibly successful man who works all the hours God sends, constantly has affairs with his staff and barely spends any time with his wife and kids. He befriends a homeless guy who gives him some pills which allow him to be in two places at once. So he is able to continue business at the office whilst spending time with his family. On Christmas Eve he is in a fatal car crash, but before he dies, he takes one more pill so that he is able to go home and tell his family that he is sorry for never being there.

It got me thinking about the importance of time. Especially because I'm having a massive debate with myself about whether to go out tomorrow night.

Only another 4 months to go before August creeps upon us. I'm thinking that I should be making the most of seeing people at the weekends - especially when there is an event going on and a lot of people will be out in town. The thing holding me back? Money. I'm broke and I have an enkai on Monday that I HAVE to go to. I have an enkai tonight as well but I just can't afford to go to both - even though the other teachers are expecting me to. This month has been financially crippling. Shikoku ended up costing WAY more than I was ever anticipating (and wasn't even worth it), Kyoto cost an absolute bomb (and was worth every yen), I had to pay off my Bali flight, my bills, gym membership, petrol, food - it's been a nightmare. I haven't been able to save anything.

So I'm thinking that given there's another 3 weeks until payday, I really shouldn't spend the money going out tomorrow. And I want to go out next weekend as well...out of the 2 I would rather go out next weekend and skip this one because I'm more interested in seeing the people who will be out next week to be honest.

Looks like I've managed to make up my mind. But it doesn't stop me WANTING to go out tomorrow. I really do. But it's just not worth me bankrupting myself for. It really isn't. I do still have time to see the people who will be out tomorrow, whereas the people who will be out next week, I RARELY get to see.

Now I just have to work out what I'm gonna do all weekend at home by myself. It's been months - literally- since I've had a weekend at home. Looks like it'll be me, a nice dinner, a bottle of wine and a load of DVDs!


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