“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 15 April 2009


I've just finished reading 'I Never Fancied Him Anyway' by Claudia Carroll.

It's about a woman who has the ability to see into the future. She has a magazine column and then gets offered a TV slot. It's basically a chick read about people with relationship problems who go to her for help and blah blah blah.


I wanted to talk about psychics rather than the book actually. I've never really made up my mind about people who claim to have pyschic powers. I mean, if I'm reading a magazine and I come to the horoscopes page, I do read it but I just dismiss whatever's written as a load of bollocks. I don't read horoscopes regularly and if I have a magazine, I don't normally seek out those pages.

I am a teeny, teeny bit superstitious. I NEVER walk under ladders, I get uncomfortable if I smash a mirror, I will never fully open an umbrella indoors and I detest cats. Saying that, I don't know what I think's gonna happen if I do those things, but I'd rather not find out!

The thing about psychics and all these other fortune tellers and palm readers and what not, is that people seek advice from them, and then proceed with their lives with that 'information' in mind. So I'm always wondering if people would do the things they do if someone hadn't told them something would or wouldn't happen if they did or didn't do these things.

About a year before I came to Japan, a girl I worked with read my tarot cards. She told me I would move to Asia, fall in love and would be working with children within a year. I absolutely pissed myself laughing. Out of the 3, it was the working with children part that I thought was the most ridiculous. At that point, moving to Asia wasn't something I'd thought about, I was having too much fun being single and working with kids would definitely have been up there amongst the jobs the types of jobs that I would NEVER want to do.

A few months later, I applied to JET. I didn't even think about the tarot reading after it happened. I had laughed it off as a load of bollocks. I came to Japan, fell in (and out) of love and am now a teacher of kids between the ages of 6-15. It was only when the girl who read my tarot messaged me to gloat that I actually thought about it again.

I guess I'm trying to say that sometimes people can read things about you. I can only go by my own experience. These things - the whole idea of the supernatural - are always a touchy subject. I'm not really sure to be honest.

What do you all think?


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