“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 31 August 2009

Jet Lag

Is jet lag one or two words?

I could check online but I can't be arsed! That's how tired I am.

I slept through to 11am, got up at 12, and then went to bed again a few hours later. It's 5.30pm now and I've just gotten up.

I don't get why my jet lag is so bad this time. I'm normally really good travelling from West-East but I'm just exhausted. I was sposed to head out today to get a few things for my room and some food but it's been raining all day and I don't want to go out. Plus I'm too tired to.

I haven't even unpacked. But I've decided I'll unpack tonight, head out tomorrow and then hardcore get on the jobhunting from Wednesday. I'm allowed to take a break to get my body clock back into gear!!!

And it's great spending the day at home because I'm remembering how awesome my house is!! LOL!!

Really can't wait for you to visit!


Sunday 30 August 2009

Back To Tokyo

I had the most uncomfortable flight back to Japan.

Don't you just hate code shares? I'm like, when I book a flight with Virgin, I expect to fly Virgin. But I ended up on a code share flight and flew ANA.


Hated the staff at check in, shit in-flight entertainment and the worse bit - 2 meals and NO SNACK!!! For a 12 hour flight?! I was absolutely STARVING! We went like 8 hours with no food! On both BA and Virgin, you have the 2 meals and then somewhere in the middle they come round with a snack - the last time I flew on both these airlines, it was a sandwich and a packet of crisps. But on ANA we got nothing!!!

And they didn't hand out the little overnight packs with the toothpaste/toothbrush, eyemask and socks! You get them on the other 2 airlines - PAH!! I was totally unimpressed.

And I will never fly ANA for a long haul ever again. I HATED it. One of the most uncomfortable flights I've ever had and there was barely any leg room! I know economy is always cramped but that airline took the piss! I didn't sleep at all and now my eyes are literally stinging from the lack of sleep.

This week I seriously have to get down to this jobhunting lark. Think I'll spend tomorrow unpacking and then start on Tuesday to give me a chance to get over the jetlag.


So tired. But I had a fabulous evening catching up with you!!!! ;-)



Friday 28 August 2009

The End Draws Near

And so, I am down to my last 2 days in the UK.

I'm over £2000 poorer but am in possession of a load of new clothes and a new laptop. I've had to ship like 20kg of clothes and stuff ahead of me so that I don't have to deal with baggage limits at the airport.

So how has it been being back in London? Every single person that I have seen has asked me that question. And the truth? Absolutely no different. Yeh, there are some things that have changed but generally everything and everyone is more or less the same as when I left. You kind of think that because you have been away for 2 years that a lot more should be different but it never is. I'm pleased to see the UK taking more and more steps to stopping minors buying booze and cigarettes. The age that you can buy tobacco has been raised to 18 and they have a Think 25 policy in supermarkets and off licenses - so basically, if you look under 25, then you will be asked for ID to prove that you are over 18. I ended up getting ID'd twice since I've been back. LOL! But I think it's a good thing.

After my visit to Westfield, I haven't been shopping. I actually kinda can't believe it. I think it's because I bought so much and spent so much money there that I didn't want to do anymore shopping. Especially because the shopping streets that I would've gone to have exactly the same stores as the mall. So it's kinda like, what's the point.

It has been great catching up with friends and family. Some more so than others - you know who you are. It's nice to feel that you have been missed and I love it that some people have taken a complete interest in what I have been doing out in Japan rather than those questions that people ask just to be polite, you know? It's great as well because a couple of friends have told me that I have inspired them and now 2 are looking to move abroad, one already has and another girl has started a degree in education. How cool is that!!!

But it's back to Japan tomorrow - well I actually land on Sunday. How do I feel about that? I'm not sure really. I'm dying to go back because it's coming up to the time when I shall be getting a very special visitor but I know that when I go back, the pressure is on to find work. The luxury of being unemployed has to end sometime. And when I go back, that is the end!!!!


Wednesday 26 August 2009

The North

I've spent the last couple of days up in Leeds visiting my sister.

When I left London it was sunny, but the further north I went, the cloudier it got and after being in Leeds for about an hour, it started raining! Surprise surprise!!!

And then today, my sister had a job interview in Bradford so I went down there with her and had a wander around. Can you believe I was there?! Man, there place is a complete hole!!! I wanted to take a picture with the train station sign to prove it but I didn't have time!!! So disappointed!!! And then it started to rain again this afternoon!!

BUT, we did go to the Royal Armeries musuem this afternoon which was actually pretty cool. So I'll give it that!!!


Monday 24 August 2009


I went out last night in town with my brother and his girlfriend. It's the first time I've properly been out since I've been back.

I tried to contact my normal links but everyone is outta town DJing in other countries so we were browsing online to see where is hot to go. We ended up at this club that my brother and his girl frequent pretty often called Club 49 in Soho.

I loved it. It's rare for clubs these days to be so troublefree and have such friendly staff and doorman. And the drinks were pretty reasonably priced as well. I was LOVING the music - especially when there was a stint of old UK garage which just made me grin my arse off.

I had a great time. It felt good to be out in London clubs again. So good. Except I am so tired today. I got up early with the intention of going out and buying a laptop but my brother didn't get up until late and I couldn't leave until he had finished working on something. So I literally waiting for about 6 hours and then just ended up shopping online!!! A little bit annoying because I really wanted to be taking home a new laptop today but I guess what is more annoying is I went shopping for one last weekend and my brother told me to hold off from buying anything because he wanted me to check out the prices in this little independent shop in London. So I wait, and then when I showed him the laptop I was thinking of buying, not only did he say it was excellent, but it was also the same price as in store.

Sometimes I really should trust my own judgement. I not amazing when it comes to computers but by no means am I dumb and I am perfectly capable of selecting a perfectly good laptop...which I did. But my brother has a knack of making me think that I COULD be making the wrong decision. I should have gone ahead and just bought the laptop and then I wouldn't have had to spend the week using this piece of shit!!!


Saturday 22 August 2009

Semenya Caster

Is anyone else absolutely disgusted with the way that Semenya Caster is being treated?!

After becoming World Champion in the 800m with a stunning performance, her victory is being overshadowed with questions about her gender.

Yah, she looks like a man, but to be honest, so do a whole load of other female athletes! Just because she won by so much and did so well, along with her muscular physique, it doesn't mean that she is a man. And it's awful for her because now she has to undergo all these gender tests. The poor girl must be so embarrassed! Even after her mother presented her birth certificate confirming her gender, the investigation is still going on.

I don't know, I can't help but think they could have kept the investigation quiet. Done the necessary tests and whatnot and IF it turns out that she is really a man, THEN make it public. Not destroy her moment by embarrassing her in front of the whole world over a speculation about her appearance. It seems so wrong! I just want to shove a whole load of other athletes in front of the chairmen because there are enough times when I have looked at the physique of some of these sprinters and just shook my head and said 'She looks like a man'. Semenya is not the only one with a questionable gender. Her outstanding performance has shoved her into the spotlight for the wrong reasons.

I feel so sorry for her!


Friday 21 August 2009

Usain Bolt

This guy is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!

Not only did he break his own record in the 100m, he absolutely SMASHED his record in the 200m - an amazing 19.19 seconds!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! They were putting time into distance and that worked out at 2m!! 2m!!! He was running that much faster than he was last year! It's insane!!!

BUT, that was the first race that I've actually seen the guy work. Every other time it just looks like Bolt is taking a jog while the others are busting their arses off but today he was gritting his teeth and really going for that record. But I don't think that anyone was expecting him to shave that much time off the record - let alone break it again. He was saying in an interview that he was tired and his training regime had been a bit slack because he had an injury. Well, if that's what he can do when he hasn't been training well, then what the hell would he have achieved if he was on top form?! It's like, when Bolt's in the line up, the race is on for second place because no one is ever anywhere near him. In this final, they were saying that's the biggest gap they've ever seen anyone win by. And what's even more amazing is that the top 5 all ran under 20 seconds! So it's great for them because they all achieved PBs SBs and NRs. Such a great race.

I remember the days when the sprints were all about the Americans. But the Jamaicans have absolutely dominated in the last few years. And it doesn't look like that will change! Those records are so ridiculous that commentators were saying that the people that would even come close to ever beating them aren't even born yet. NO ONE ALIVE is capable of touching them. How amazing is that!!!! The Jamaican women as well have been incredible.

And what a performance by Sharman in the 110m hurdles. That guy is so funny. I hung out with him a few years back - very much a charmer and ladies man. Think I'll leave it at that!! But he did so well, finishing 4th in the final and getting a new PB of 13.30 - the 4th fastest time in the UK in that event. Is that record still held by Colin Jackson? I can't remember if anyone broke that.....

And I'm sorry, but HOW BUFF IS WALLACE SPEARMON?!?!?!?!? You know me, I'm an absolute sucker for the light skin and light eye boys and he is a very fine specimen indeed! LOL!!!

Sorry babes - you know it's all about you...but I simply HAD to mention it!!! I miss you like crazy and can't wait to see you next month!! <3

So yah, I have totally been enjoying the World Championships. The woman's high jump final was pretty gritty as well. I am just so excited for the 2012 Olympics. Wherever I am in the world, I will definitely fly back to London to support the team - and more importantly my friends that compete. I am sooooo proud of you all!!!

Go GBR!!!


Thursday 20 August 2009

Gorgeous London!!


It hit 30 degrees today in London. And I was missing that air con on trains like anything!!! They were like saunas and so gross!!!

It has been great catching up with friends but today I felt so tired trawling from one end of London to another to see people. Especially in this heat...and my heavy bag and hangover didn't help either!!! I was supposed to stay in town tonight as well but things finished up a little earlier than I thought so I decided to come back to my mum's so I can take a bit of time out tomorrow. Absolutely exhausted.

But I'm loving it. I haven't hit the clubs yet, and to be honest I don't think I will get a chance, but I've really enjoyed seeing everyone and it's great looking at other people's houses and seeing what everyone is doing now. Some people have grown up so much with their husbands and kids and mortgages and then there are people who just haven't changed at all.

It's so easy to slip back into things. On the one hand it feels like I haven't been away at all but then someone will talk about something that happened in the last 2 years and I just wouldn't have a clue what they were talking about. I've found that my attitudes towards certain things have changed dramatically...in a good way!

It's been a good couple of days but I am definitely ready for a day off!


Tuesday 18 August 2009


Seeing as my parents have been doing up the house, I decided that it was time to stop treating it as a dumping ground and get some of my stuff out of there.

So today I sorting through 2 suitcases of clothes. And out of everything was there, I think I kept about half a dozen items which I'm going to ship to Japan ahead of me. I came to the conclusion that if I wasn't gonna wear it in Japan then I probably wouldn't wear it in England. And there was some stuff which I still like but I don't want to take to Japan so I just shoved it in a bag to go to the charity shop. I mean, I don't know when I'm gonna settle back in the UK so what's the point of hanging on to all this stuff?! I filled 2 black bin bags with clothes to go to the charity shop and one bag to be chucked out. 3 bags?!?! Yes, I had that many clothes just sitting around, not being worn. But I'm gonna let my sis take a look through it first. A lot of the clothes aren't that old and some I've barely worn.

It's actually a pretty good feeling to sort through all my stuff. Brings back so many memories though! And I'm gonna be doing it all day tomorrow as well before I head into town for the week.


Monday 17 August 2009

Lazy Sundays

I was actually pretty disappointed that no one was free to hang out today.

I was hoping it would take some of the pressure off next week - I'm gonna be so busy rushing to meet one person to the next. It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day in town today as well. I wanted to hit up one of the museums but then I figured that they might be rammed with tourists plus I'm gonna have a lot of gaps to fill next week in between meeting people so that would be a better time to check them out.


In town today there were so many couples walking around - holding hands and smiling and looking happy. And it made me miss you so much.

It's weird how you don't even have to be with someone for a long time for feelings to develop so strongly. It's also highly annoying. But at the same time it's a lot of fun - even if it does hurt more than you ever expected it to.

I came back to my mum's late afternoon and started sorting through some of the stuff that I left here before I went to Japan. I feel like I shouldn't be using the house as a dumping ground so I'm using the time that I'm here to get my stuff out. I'm like my mum - I HATE throwing anything away. But as I was riling through stuff I began to think that realistically I wouldn't even been LOOKING at some of the stuff - never mind using it - for a few more years, so what was the point of hanging on to it? Especially stuff that could be so easily and cheaply replaced.

And so the big clear out has begun! I'm chucking stuff left, right and centre. Filling bags to take to charities and chucking away pointless things from my uni days. Why do we hang on to so much crap?! Sentimental value of course. When you come across something that you worked so hard to achieve, the memories come flooding back and they make you smile. But it's impossible to hold on to everything and that's something I've been starting to realise as I've been sorting through all my things.

It's hard but it has to be done. It just doesn't seem far to be using up so much space in a place that I don't even live in anymore. I'm gonna try and condense everything down to like 5 boxes or something and then sell/give away/chuck the rest. There's just no point hanging onto stuff if I can't even say when I would be coming back to UK for good. Or for an extended period of time.

So tired. I'm hoping my body clock settles coz next week is gonna be mad!



Sunday 16 August 2009


I came back into London yesterday to my old apartment.

It was really weird to be back in here but it was great to see my old flatmate and a couple of people who I haven't seen since school. It's scary how easy it is to just slip back into everything - even though so much has changed.

And now I'm gonna write all about you because you don't read my blog unless you get a mention!!!!

Yes, I really miss you. I tell you that everyday. But I'm so happy that I get the chance to talk to you so regularly, even though you're where you are and I'm in London.

I think that's enough of a mention, don't you think?!

Miss you babes.



Saturday 15 August 2009


I LOVED it!!!

I can't believe they opened such a big shopping centre in London. It is amazing!

There is a section called the 'Village' which is where all the designer stores are, complete with a champagne bar. And then 3 floors of shops and 40 different restaurants. I couldn't believe the variety of eating choices - you could even have Pho!! And what shocked me more than that being there in the first place, was the number of people queuing to eat it!!

It felt so good to be shopping back here. I did really well, only spending 700 quid. It sounds like a lot when you say it in pounds but if I convert it back to yen, then that's the average spend for a shopping trip for me!!

I had a really nice day out there. And it was only a 35 minute drive from my parents' house. Even with the rush hour traffic, we got back home in just 45 mins. Sweet.

Kinda glad I'm not living in London - that place would be LETHAL! And I was thinking that now I wouldn't need to hit up the London shopping streets but I know I will! I need to have a look in Topshop and the only one I go to is the one on Oxford street so I may as well have a look at other shops while I'm there! I need to be careful though - I think I may be over the luggage limit just with my purchases yesterday!



Friday 14 August 2009


I went driving today to see my grandad.

My god - there are speed cameras EVERYWHERE!!!! And in so many places the speed limit has been reduced to 30mph. So annoying.

And what the hell happened to High Wycombe?! A whole new shopping centre with a load of shops that I'm pretty sure the people the live there aren't trendy enough to go to. Not that they're really trendy shops or anything...but certainly more upmarket than what was there before.

I've been in Japan for too long. I was walking around in skyscraper heels and I could just see everyone staring at my shoes. It's normal in Japan - all the girls go shopping in shoes that they can't even walk in. But here people do the sensible thing - wear flats. Only when my mum pointed out that everyone was staring at my feet, did I realise how out of place I must have looked in my ridiculously high heels. I think I saw about 3 other women wearing heels. Everyone else was in ballet pumps, flip flops or trainers. As you should be when you're going shopping.

I'm really excited because a new shopping centre opened up in London. It has something like 40 different restaurants and 3 floors of designer brand and high street shops. I nearly wrote stores then - lol! So I'm going there tomorrow to check it out with my mum.

I promise not to spend toooo much - after all I am unemployed for the first time in 10 years. What a weird feeling.

Just need to have my skype session and then I'll be ready to go to bed. Just waiting for you to come online!


Thursday 13 August 2009


I'm really struggling with the jetlag.

I ended up going to bed at 9.30 last night and then woke up at 4am and then gave up trying to get back to sleep and woke up at 8.15. And now I'm knackered again.

I guess the only reason I got up was to have my skype session. It's so hard to speak to people because of the time difference. But what can ya do!!!

I'm really looking forward to getting into London at the weekend. Truth be told, I'm BORED here. Both my parents are at work and I don't have a car so I can't even do anything. And if I ever thought Saga was inaka, it's no way near as inaka as where my parents live - there isn't even a shop here!!! So I'll be glad to get back into the city and spend time with friends.

And my mum told me about a new shopping centre that opened in London just over a year ago. I'm thinking about checking it out with her tomorrow...I hardly brought any clothes back with me because I knew I'd end up buying a whole load of new ones! So I'll head up there and see what the place is like. Quite excited actually!



I can't believe how pimped out my parents' house is!

New kitchen floor, new carpets, new rug, new leather sofas, new front garden pavement and a new 42" TV!!!!

So that's why we were never allowed all the toys we wanted as kids!!! Nice move - hoard the money and then when all the kids move out, pimp out the house!!!

Only kidding - they've worked hard their whole lives and deserve a few luxuries!! I can't believe this is the same place that I grew up in! And they have many, many more plans for the place. I would love to see it in a few years time after they've done all the renovations they want to do.



Wednesday 12 August 2009

I Give Up

I tried really hard to stay up to keep my body clock in tune with the UK.

But it isn't working. I'm on Japan time - and right now my body is screaming at me that it's after 4am and I need to go to sleep!! It's only 7.20pm here!!!

And so I'm giving in. Mainly because I'm so tired I'm getting really irritable. So I think it's better all round if I just went to bed and then started fresh with everyone in the morning.



Back in London

Nearly 2 years out of the country and I'm back in the UK.

I was so damn nervous when the plane was landing...and then I got really excited when I thought that my parents might surprise me and be waiting at the airport.

So I went through arrivals and they weren't there. I just felt really deflated and suddenly all those nerves just disappeared. I waited around for 10 mins and then I saw my mum waving frantically at me. With my chicken, bacon and avocado sandwich from M&S. The taste of granary bread was AMAZING!!!

It was really weird driving around - not seeing any Japanese signs around and HOW low are the traffic lights over here?!?! I remember getting to Japan and thinking that they were really high up....I guess I just got used to them! And my dad's car seemed massive!!!

My parents have completely pimped out their house!!! I can't believe that's the same place that I grew up in!!

So tired...but I'm trying to stay up so I can keep in with UK time and not completely mess up my body clock. I'm gonna try and rent a phone tomorrow and get to the hospital so I can finally find out what the deal is with my foot.

I think the most annoying thing about being back is that I'm totally eavesdropping on other people's conversations!! I'm so used to tuning out in public places but being surrounded by English, I find myself totally listening to what people are talking about - it's really ANNOYING!!! Need to get out of that habit because people just talk a load of bollocks!!!

Feels nice to be back though.


Monday 10 August 2009

I'm Going Home!!!

I can't believe it.

Tomorrow I am flying back to London after nearly 2 years away.

It's come around so fast! I only left Kyushu 4 days ago and have barely managed to settle into my new house before I'm off again.


I am so excited but not all the anxieties are settling in. I'm kinda nervous because I know that I've changed but I also realise that I won't realise just how much until I see my friends. So much has happened since I've been gone - people getting married, having kids, moving to other parts of the world, getting new jobs etc. etc. But I'm looking forward to catching up and seeing what everyone is up to now. Even if I know that it's gonna be a bit weird.

I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO TESCO!!! And get a sausage roll from Gregg's. And have fish and chips (at proper prices!!!!). LOL - kinda funny how everything that I'm excited about revolves around food!!!

And I'm super busy today. As well as need to unpack, I have to pack for England and I'm meeting my girl from Saitama for lunch. I haven't seen her since I came flathunting in Tokyo 2 months ago - which actually isn't that long ago if you look at the big picture! But I'm always excited to see her. And then I have to buy stuff for my room and get everything tidied up before I leave tomorrow. I leave super early as well so I need to get my arse into gear so that I can have an early night.

So much to do!! No slacking today!!


Sunday 9 August 2009


Man, I totally suck at this unpacking lark!!

I'll open a box, take out one thing, put it somewhere and then start doing something completely different!!! I haven' done THAT badly though!!! But I need to buy more hangers, a shoe rack and a pole for the wardrobe before I can start unpacking the rest of my clothes and shoes.

My housemate lent me a laptop so that I could still have internet access for the few days that I'm here before going home, which is really sweet. Everything's gonna look really good by the time I've finished!!

How exciting!



I ventured out on my own last night in Shibuya.

I always go to the gaijin bars so I decided to try somewhere different. I stumbled across this bar/restaurant place and it was GORGEOUS! It kinda had like this gothic/religious decor thing going on and was place awesome house music - from about the year 2000. My favourite year for house music. So I sat down and I ordered a cheese platter and a bottle of sparkling wine. A few bottles later, I found myself ridiculously drunk and being the responsible (?!) individual that I am, decided to go home. I wanted to go to a club but I realised that I would probably pass out in a corner at like 3am!!!

And I finally managed to sleep in. I got to bed bout 1.30ish and slept right through until 10.45. And the only reason I got up then is because I got a text message and it woke me up!!!

Just finished my morning skype session and now I am gonna spend the rest of the day unpacking!

And I mean it this time!

Can you believe that in 2 days I'm gonna be back in London? It's gonna be so weird!


Saturday 8 August 2009


Man, I've just eaten the biggest salad ever!!

It's good though because yesterday I seriously lost my appetite and didn't eat that much.
I went out this morning into Nerima to pick up some food and buy some stuff for my room. I can't wait to get everything set up so I can show you some pics! It's humid as hell outside but it was good to walk around and see what's going on. I found loadsa little cute shops and passed some restaurants that looked quite nice and will try and soon as I get back from London.

I was supposed to have a moving in party tonight but none of the people that I invited can make it so I've decided to do it another weekend so they can actually come. That leaves me open to do whatever tonight. I'm thinking that I want to hit up a club in the city centre..I need to be surrounded by extremely loud music and have a bit of a boogie. It's kinda like the same as Kyushu though - if I do go to a club, I have to stay out all night because a cab back to my place from say Roppongi is 5000yen!! I wonder how much it would be from Shibuya....

I definitely don't want to stay in tonight though. And I have all of tomorrow to sleep off any hangover without the worry of having to prepare for work on Monday so it's all good!!

And yes, I am missing you!!!


Friday 7 August 2009

Taking A Day Off

There was a load of stuff that I wanted to do today but my body was screaming at me to rest.

I kinda felt guilty just sitting around all day doing nothing so I decided to job hunt online. I haven't got very yet but I will get started soon! I went for a little walk but my legs were caning so I just picked up a few things and then came back.

And now I'm gonna actually start being productive!!!



Yesterday I was thinking how great today was gonna be coz I don't have a job to get up for! That means I could've slept in till 12 if I wanted to.

But no, I went and woke up at 6.43. I'm knackered, my body is ACHING (from carrying such heavy bags from the airport and walking around so much yesterday - it wouldn't normally be a problem but my new housemate walks really fast I had to power walk to keep up!!!) and I know that I'm gonna be back in bed later this afternoon. But right now I just can't get back to sleep, even though I desperately want to!

But I've been online all morning talking to a friend from home. And it's totally distracted me from doing all these things that I'm supposed to be doing today. Oh well, it's still early and I probably won't end up doing them anyway!!!!


Hello Tokyo!

I'm in Tokyo!!!!

It was weird when I first arrived here. It wasn't until I first arrived at my new home that I suddenly realised that I wouldn't be going back to Karatsu. It was a weird feeling - somewhere between fear and excitement.

I'm missing someone way more than I thought I ever would. Like, unbelievabley. I was staring at my boxes, thinking that I should unpack, but all I could think about was him. And it was hard.

But then I spent the afternoon with my new housemate. He showed me around and I could feel myself slowing relaxing as I realised it wasn't just me who was nervous about the whole house sharing thing. I know we will get on fine because we both know to speak out when something is wrong or bothering us. So in that respect, I don't see how it can't work out. I've had a really nice evening out having dinner and going for a few drinks and to my absolute delight, found out that my new housemate is totally into Michael Jackson!!! Bring on the karaoke!!!

I LOVE the house. It's been the best part of 2 months since I first came to see it and it is just as awesome as I remembered. I bought a new chest of draws that got delivered this evening and now it's just couple of bits and pieces to go and it will be perfect. I'm looking forward to showing the place off to my friends.

It was really hard to say goodbye yesterday to my friends. But I have to remind them and myself that I AM still in Japan and I WILL see them again. That knowledge makes the transition a little bit easier.

I'm so tired right now but more about my place tomorrow!


Monday 3 August 2009


I give up. I have to leave my beloved kotatsu behind.

I was determined to take it with me. Not only is it gorgeous and massive, it was also ridiculously expensive. And I'm gutted.

I was messing around with it last night trying to wrap it up in cardboard. Then this morning I called the moving company and the price they're charging to pack it up for me just isn't worth it.

It's such a big kotatsu. I was going to ship it back to England. THAT'S how much I love it. And my new place doesn't have one.

The ONLY plus with this (apart from saving money) is that it frees up a lot of space in the boxes. A lot of space. I had to repack a box but now I only have 14 boxes instead of 15 so I've saved a coupleof thousand yen. Woohoo!

So tired. I've been spending nearly every night with someone. Which is great....except for his love for air con. I normally end up freezing my arse off and wake up everyday with a sore thoat. But if I just run a fan, he gets too hot and then ends up tossing and turning so I don't get a good night's sleep anyway. Either way I can't win. I just don't get people who sleep with the air con on. Just messes with my throat. Not to mention the fact that it's expensive to run. I only use it when it's really hot (which it isn't) or when other people come over and don't seem to be able to survive without it.

What's wrong with a good old fashioned fan?

*sigh* I'm scared to get my electricity bill this month. It's gonna set me back a fortune.


Sunday 2 August 2009

Under A Week To Go!


I can't believe how quickly time is going!

I had my internet connection cut off on Friday so I haven't been able to update my blog regularly. I did write some stuff down on paper but i forgot to bring it to my friend's house :-(.

Last week was mad busy. Packing, seeing friends and trying to get everything organized before I leave. I think I`m pretty much on top of everything - I just need to finish up this packing lark. I had a wicked day yesterday - a BBQ on the beach with Karatsu friends. It was such a nice afternoon, just to hang out and say goodbye. Which was hard. But you know, it`s gotta be done, so you just have to get on and deal with it.

I`m hoping that I can get everything packed up in time for when I want it all picked up. i can`t believe how much stuff I've managed to accrue in only 2 years. So crazy. And still so much to do...it`s just annoying little things that I don`t know what to do with really.

I am really impressed with my supervisor. Since she got that bollocking, she has done a complete 180 and is now so efficient it`s amazing! And because we've been spending a lot of time together - cleaning my apartment and preparing for my successor, I've actually come to like her a lot. She`s 33 years old but she has so many childlike qualities and she is really funny! It`s just a shame that all of this has come too late, but it`s awesome for the girl who is coming in after me.

Man, there was so much that I wanted to tell you about but now that I'm sitting in front of the computer, I've drawn a complete blank! Oh well!

Only a few more days to go. How do I feel about that? Excited and sad at the same time. But definitely looking forward to the change. For sure.
