“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 2 August 2009

Under A Week To Go!


I can't believe how quickly time is going!

I had my internet connection cut off on Friday so I haven't been able to update my blog regularly. I did write some stuff down on paper but i forgot to bring it to my friend's house :-(.

Last week was mad busy. Packing, seeing friends and trying to get everything organized before I leave. I think I`m pretty much on top of everything - I just need to finish up this packing lark. I had a wicked day yesterday - a BBQ on the beach with Karatsu friends. It was such a nice afternoon, just to hang out and say goodbye. Which was hard. But you know, it`s gotta be done, so you just have to get on and deal with it.

I`m hoping that I can get everything packed up in time for when I want it all picked up. i can`t believe how much stuff I've managed to accrue in only 2 years. So crazy. And still so much to do...it`s just annoying little things that I don`t know what to do with really.

I am really impressed with my supervisor. Since she got that bollocking, she has done a complete 180 and is now so efficient it`s amazing! And because we've been spending a lot of time together - cleaning my apartment and preparing for my successor, I've actually come to like her a lot. She`s 33 years old but she has so many childlike qualities and she is really funny! It`s just a shame that all of this has come too late, but it`s awesome for the girl who is coming in after me.

Man, there was so much that I wanted to tell you about but now that I'm sitting in front of the computer, I've drawn a complete blank! Oh well!

Only a few more days to go. How do I feel about that? Excited and sad at the same time. But definitely looking forward to the change. For sure.


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