“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 28 August 2009

The End Draws Near

And so, I am down to my last 2 days in the UK.

I'm over £2000 poorer but am in possession of a load of new clothes and a new laptop. I've had to ship like 20kg of clothes and stuff ahead of me so that I don't have to deal with baggage limits at the airport.

So how has it been being back in London? Every single person that I have seen has asked me that question. And the truth? Absolutely no different. Yeh, there are some things that have changed but generally everything and everyone is more or less the same as when I left. You kind of think that because you have been away for 2 years that a lot more should be different but it never is. I'm pleased to see the UK taking more and more steps to stopping minors buying booze and cigarettes. The age that you can buy tobacco has been raised to 18 and they have a Think 25 policy in supermarkets and off licenses - so basically, if you look under 25, then you will be asked for ID to prove that you are over 18. I ended up getting ID'd twice since I've been back. LOL! But I think it's a good thing.

After my visit to Westfield, I haven't been shopping. I actually kinda can't believe it. I think it's because I bought so much and spent so much money there that I didn't want to do anymore shopping. Especially because the shopping streets that I would've gone to have exactly the same stores as the mall. So it's kinda like, what's the point.

It has been great catching up with friends and family. Some more so than others - you know who you are. It's nice to feel that you have been missed and I love it that some people have taken a complete interest in what I have been doing out in Japan rather than those questions that people ask just to be polite, you know? It's great as well because a couple of friends have told me that I have inspired them and now 2 are looking to move abroad, one already has and another girl has started a degree in education. How cool is that!!!

But it's back to Japan tomorrow - well I actually land on Sunday. How do I feel about that? I'm not sure really. I'm dying to go back because it's coming up to the time when I shall be getting a very special visitor but I know that when I go back, the pressure is on to find work. The luxury of being unemployed has to end sometime. And when I go back, that is the end!!!!


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