“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 14 August 2009


I went driving today to see my grandad.

My god - there are speed cameras EVERYWHERE!!!! And in so many places the speed limit has been reduced to 30mph. So annoying.

And what the hell happened to High Wycombe?! A whole new shopping centre with a load of shops that I'm pretty sure the people the live there aren't trendy enough to go to. Not that they're really trendy shops or anything...but certainly more upmarket than what was there before.

I've been in Japan for too long. I was walking around in skyscraper heels and I could just see everyone staring at my shoes. It's normal in Japan - all the girls go shopping in shoes that they can't even walk in. But here people do the sensible thing - wear flats. Only when my mum pointed out that everyone was staring at my feet, did I realise how out of place I must have looked in my ridiculously high heels. I think I saw about 3 other women wearing heels. Everyone else was in ballet pumps, flip flops or trainers. As you should be when you're going shopping.

I'm really excited because a new shopping centre opened up in London. It has something like 40 different restaurants and 3 floors of designer brand and high street shops. I nearly wrote stores then - lol! So I'm going there tomorrow to check it out with my mum.

I promise not to spend toooo much - after all I am unemployed for the first time in 10 years. What a weird feeling.

Just need to have my skype session and then I'll be ready to go to bed. Just waiting for you to come online!


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