“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 10 August 2009

I'm Going Home!!!

I can't believe it.

Tomorrow I am flying back to London after nearly 2 years away.

It's come around so fast! I only left Kyushu 4 days ago and have barely managed to settle into my new house before I'm off again.


I am so excited but not all the anxieties are settling in. I'm kinda nervous because I know that I've changed but I also realise that I won't realise just how much until I see my friends. So much has happened since I've been gone - people getting married, having kids, moving to other parts of the world, getting new jobs etc. etc. But I'm looking forward to catching up and seeing what everyone is up to now. Even if I know that it's gonna be a bit weird.

I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO TESCO!!! And get a sausage roll from Gregg's. And have fish and chips (at proper prices!!!!). LOL - kinda funny how everything that I'm excited about revolves around food!!!

And I'm super busy today. As well as need to unpack, I have to pack for England and I'm meeting my girl from Saitama for lunch. I haven't seen her since I came flathunting in Tokyo 2 months ago - which actually isn't that long ago if you look at the big picture! But I'm always excited to see her. And then I have to buy stuff for my room and get everything tidied up before I leave tomorrow. I leave super early as well so I need to get my arse into gear so that I can have an early night.

So much to do!! No slacking today!!


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