“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 7 August 2009

Hello Tokyo!

I'm in Tokyo!!!!

It was weird when I first arrived here. It wasn't until I first arrived at my new home that I suddenly realised that I wouldn't be going back to Karatsu. It was a weird feeling - somewhere between fear and excitement.

I'm missing someone way more than I thought I ever would. Like, unbelievabley. I was staring at my boxes, thinking that I should unpack, but all I could think about was him. And it was hard.

But then I spent the afternoon with my new housemate. He showed me around and I could feel myself slowing relaxing as I realised it wasn't just me who was nervous about the whole house sharing thing. I know we will get on fine because we both know to speak out when something is wrong or bothering us. So in that respect, I don't see how it can't work out. I've had a really nice evening out having dinner and going for a few drinks and to my absolute delight, found out that my new housemate is totally into Michael Jackson!!! Bring on the karaoke!!!

I LOVE the house. It's been the best part of 2 months since I first came to see it and it is just as awesome as I remembered. I bought a new chest of draws that got delivered this evening and now it's just couple of bits and pieces to go and it will be perfect. I'm looking forward to showing the place off to my friends.

It was really hard to say goodbye yesterday to my friends. But I have to remind them and myself that I AM still in Japan and I WILL see them again. That knowledge makes the transition a little bit easier.

I'm so tired right now but more about my place tomorrow!


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