“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 17 August 2009

Lazy Sundays

I was actually pretty disappointed that no one was free to hang out today.

I was hoping it would take some of the pressure off next week - I'm gonna be so busy rushing to meet one person to the next. It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day in town today as well. I wanted to hit up one of the museums but then I figured that they might be rammed with tourists plus I'm gonna have a lot of gaps to fill next week in between meeting people so that would be a better time to check them out.


In town today there were so many couples walking around - holding hands and smiling and looking happy. And it made me miss you so much.

It's weird how you don't even have to be with someone for a long time for feelings to develop so strongly. It's also highly annoying. But at the same time it's a lot of fun - even if it does hurt more than you ever expected it to.

I came back to my mum's late afternoon and started sorting through some of the stuff that I left here before I went to Japan. I feel like I shouldn't be using the house as a dumping ground so I'm using the time that I'm here to get my stuff out. I'm like my mum - I HATE throwing anything away. But as I was riling through stuff I began to think that realistically I wouldn't even been LOOKING at some of the stuff - never mind using it - for a few more years, so what was the point of hanging on to it? Especially stuff that could be so easily and cheaply replaced.

And so the big clear out has begun! I'm chucking stuff left, right and centre. Filling bags to take to charities and chucking away pointless things from my uni days. Why do we hang on to so much crap?! Sentimental value of course. When you come across something that you worked so hard to achieve, the memories come flooding back and they make you smile. But it's impossible to hold on to everything and that's something I've been starting to realise as I've been sorting through all my things.

It's hard but it has to be done. It just doesn't seem far to be using up so much space in a place that I don't even live in anymore. I'm gonna try and condense everything down to like 5 boxes or something and then sell/give away/chuck the rest. There's just no point hanging onto stuff if I can't even say when I would be coming back to UK for good. Or for an extended period of time.

So tired. I'm hoping my body clock settles coz next week is gonna be mad!



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