“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 30 August 2009

Back To Tokyo

I had the most uncomfortable flight back to Japan.

Don't you just hate code shares? I'm like, when I book a flight with Virgin, I expect to fly Virgin. But I ended up on a code share flight and flew ANA.


Hated the staff at check in, shit in-flight entertainment and the worse bit - 2 meals and NO SNACK!!! For a 12 hour flight?! I was absolutely STARVING! We went like 8 hours with no food! On both BA and Virgin, you have the 2 meals and then somewhere in the middle they come round with a snack - the last time I flew on both these airlines, it was a sandwich and a packet of crisps. But on ANA we got nothing!!!

And they didn't hand out the little overnight packs with the toothpaste/toothbrush, eyemask and socks! You get them on the other 2 airlines - PAH!! I was totally unimpressed.

And I will never fly ANA for a long haul ever again. I HATED it. One of the most uncomfortable flights I've ever had and there was barely any leg room! I know economy is always cramped but that airline took the piss! I didn't sleep at all and now my eyes are literally stinging from the lack of sleep.

This week I seriously have to get down to this jobhunting lark. Think I'll spend tomorrow unpacking and then start on Tuesday to give me a chance to get over the jetlag.


So tired. But I had a fabulous evening catching up with you!!!! ;-)



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