“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 4 August 2008

No More Tears

I can't believe that I still have tears left to cry. I don't WANT to cry anymore and just when I think it's over a fresh lot start rolling down my face.

I've NEVER experienced so much physical and emotional pain saying goodbye. It HURTS so much. And the worst bit is I have absolutely NO IDEA how to deal with it.

I think it's paranoia that the person who is leaving is going to forget about you/not want to see you any more/meet someone else. You try at hard at first to keep in touch with the people that leave but over time that contact more often that not fizzles out. The only way to stop that from happening is for everyone to put the effort in.

But that still doesn't mean that everything is going to be OK. No matter how much the leaving people say that it is. That's before they get back into their old life or start a new one someone else. That's before they meet other people/rekindle with old friends. And then you become nothing but a distance memory in spite of the amount of time that you have invested in those people.

How do you stop that from happening?

You don't.

And that's why saying goodbye hurts so much.



Anonymous said...

I will hunt down fantastic peom that I know of that deals with what you are going through. Will facebook it to you.
Miss you xx

Unknown said...

Boo! Jade that's so hard. I am guilty of not staying in good contact with you so I hardly even have context for your words... but I feel what they mean and I'm sorry you're going through it.

But I feel compelled to say that you are not just a distant memory to me. I think good friendships live with you forever. I still think about you and talk about you! (All good things of course, and often to Eddie ;) And I know you have impacted the way I live my life.

Goodbye still hurts though.

Miss you!!!!!
