“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Packed and Ready to Go!

Wow - this backpacking lark isn't easy!

There isn't as much space as I thought! So I have to take a smaller bag as carry on otherwise I will have no room for anything that I buy!

I'm really excited about going now. I can't wait to experience all these different things in these different countries!!!

I love travelling! It's one of my favourite things in the world!

So, that's it from me!


Love you all!


Birds Nest Hair

I got back from the hairdresser a little while ago.

I've had 2 inches cut off making my hair the most horrible length. But I can't go any shorter otherwise it would look even worse.

So my hairdresser dried it and I decided there and then i couldn't leave wearing it down because i have 5 inches of black roots.

So I asked him for a funky up do.

And I left with a birds nest on my head - loads of curls backcombed and pinned into various spots on my head!

I would take it out but I'm going out later and wouldn't be able to do anything with it!

So for one night only!!!!!!



I'm well into cleaning my apartment.

I always love it just after I've cleaned. Everything looks so much NICER! And it just feels nice not to be surrounded by chaos!

I always say that I'm gonna try so hard to keep it like this, but it never lasts more than a few days back at school before all the paper starts piling up again!

I'm hoping to finish the kitchen and bathroom, do my laundry and then soak in the bath and spend some time pampering myself before I make it to the hairdressers later on this afternoon.

God it feels so satisfying to be productive rather than lounging around on my ass all day!

And then tonight I shall stay in, have a beer and pack.

The excitement is really sinking in now. I think it's coz loads of people have already left for their trips! I'm finding it hard to sit still! I can't believe I'm about to do this amazing trip!!! I've been talking about it all year and now I'm SOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!



Friday, 19 December 2008

Hehe Given Up!

I gave up on the cleaning! I JUST CAN'T BE ARSED!!!!

I did manage to clear a table. But that's about it.

I'll do it tomorrow.


And I actually will because it's the day before I go on holiday and I have to coz I need to do a load of washing and there's no way I wanna come back to my house in this state.

I'm also toying with the idea of getting a haircut tomorrow if I can get to the salon at the right kinda time...like late afternoon/early evening - after all the cleaning is done.

And I've packed......kind of....or at least started packing.

I'm always a late packer - just because I get paranoid I've forgotten something. If you pack the night before you go or in the morning that you leave, I always find it a lot more stress free! Although I always forget a comb....and my sunglasses.

I'm too cold to do anything else so I think I'll go to bed! Not that I'm tired but I know I'm not gonna do anymore cleaning so I may as well!




I just got back from a spot of shopping.

I say a "spot" of shopping but it set me back over a hundred quid.

So I did end up buying one of those traveller's backpacks. It's gonna be so much easier - especially considering that I won't be using taxis!!!

I bought a 30L one. It's actually a pretty good size! But I hate the colour and they didn't have it in any others so I bought it because the size is perfect. And will do really well when I go to other places as well.

It just looks absolutely ridiculous on me! I can't remember the last time I used a backpack.....must have been when I was a teenager or something! So I'm looking at myself with it and it just looks weird!

But it's all good.

I also bought another bag - it's like a day bag that goes across your body - I actually can't believe I don't already own one! I have like 20 or so bags here and not ONE of them does that! So that's definitely a good investment!!!

Now I'm gonna start tidying my apartment - SERIOUSLY!!!!!!


I've had enough this week.

It's going so damn slow I can't stand it! And it's just been a really, really horrible week.

I've had enough of explaining about Christmas, making cards, snowflakes, decortaing trees and of the kids who are just becoming really annoying.

It's not their fault - they're really excited and after all, I am fabulous BUT I haven't been feeling good all week and the last thing I want (or need) is a load of little shits jumpin all over me.

I've become really good at avoiding it though! LOL!!

I dunno - I just feel tired. It's been a long and hard week for me and my health. And I AM really excited about going on holiday - I need it and I totally deserve it coz I've had a rought couple of months. The break will be good.

But I have so much crap to do before I go away - including cleaning my apartment from top to bottom. And at the moment that's such a massive job coz it's a complete dump.

And I'm feeling better but tired so I seriously can't be arsed to do it!


Thursday, 18 December 2008

On The Mend

I had my last dose of IV meds this morning.

And now I'm done!

Apart from this cold which I don't seem to be able to shake off, I'm absolutely fine.
The pain has completely gone so now I just have to keep on taking the antibiotics til Sunday and then that's it!

Still no explanation of what it was or what caused it.

But that's normal over here - they tend to treat the symptoms without actually investigating the cause.

And they've given me the go ahead for my trip. Not that they would've been able to stop me anyway!


Wednesday, 17 December 2008



These IV antibiotics are making me sooooo sleeeeeeepy.



I got 2 Christmas cards today.

One from my mum and dad and one from my JTE. Who also gave me a yummy belgian chocolate santa!

I think 2 Christmas cards is all I can expect! Back home with my friends, we don't bother with cards - just the presents!!

So feel free to send me some!!

I have a craving for cheese and onion crisps - Walkers of course!!!!


Feeling Much Better

I actually managed to sleep last night for the first time all week.

Maybe it's because my painkillers are so strong.

I woke up this morning feeling much better. My shoulder is still hurting but I'm necking the painkillers so I don't have to feel the pain that I was yesterday. My chest is still hurting as well but I can take much deeper breaths today.

My temperature is still crazy though. Yesterday it hit a whopping 39.8. It's definitely lower today but going from being extremely cold to extremely hot all throughout the day is starting to get really annoying.

So I'll be going back to the hospital tonight to get my second dose of IV antibiotics.

But I'm feeling much better!


Tuesday, 16 December 2008


...does all the weird stuff always happen to me?!

I went to the hospital this evening because as well as my chest hurting everytime I inhale, my shoulder just starting KILLING me.

I've somehow managed to get a bacterial infection...in my shoulder. And it's paralysed my left arm. And it's AGONY!!!

They're not even sure it is a bacterial infection. I'm starting a course of antibiotics and I have to go back in over the next couple of days to get IV antibiotics and if it gets worse, then I have to have an MRI. It's gonna set me back a fortune. Even with the Japanese insurance. They wanted to keep me in for 3 days but I said no.

Trust this to happen when I'm due to go on holiday at the end of the week.

Fucking typical.

Hot?! Are You Mad?!

The sun was out today.

Which means it's hot.

That's the thinking of the teachers at one of my elementary schools.

I walked in in full winter attire to find the heating off, a couple of windows open, and the school officer sitting there in a T-shirt!

A Tshirt?! WTF?!

I was absolutely freezing. And my cold is getting progressively worse. I'm permanently cold. Even when I'm wearing 4 layers AND a jacket. I was sitting there shivering, as my lips turned more and more purple.

I thought about going to the gym to sweat it out but I felt so crap.

No Compromise

I finally get it.

You can want someone as much as you like.


...the sad realization is that everyone comes with their own set of 'rules'. People do things a certain why, or think a certain way and they're not willing to change that.

Which is wrong.

You have to be willing to compromise. It's rare that you're gonna find someone else out there who is EXACTLY like you.

You have to be willing to change a few things.

And some people just aren't.

Why is it that those are the people that we want the most?


Monday, 15 December 2008


I was really nervous about relaxing my hair myself.

The girl that did it for me went back to the States in the summer, so I had to do it all on my lonesome.

I couldn't wait any longer. I need it coloured too but you have to wait 2 weeks between the two. I figured I could live with my terrible roots throughout the festive season but I seriously couldn't take the frizzies and the tangles anymore!

And it's turned out really well!

There's nothing nicer than the feeling of newly relaxed hair. How easily it combs through without all the little frizzies making it look like you've been electrocuted.

I don't think I did the back very well but that's OK.

Practice makes perfect!



So in between all my sniffing and sneezing, I've been booking hostels for my trip.

I know I said I was gonna wait until I get to each place but I've changed my mind.

Looking through the guidebook today, there is so much that I wanna see in each place. I need months to cover everywhere I wanna go. But I have to be selective and narrow it down into 2.5 weeks.

And I don't wanna have to waste time looking for somewhere to stay. I've found 4 really cheap ones so far so it's not like I'm gonna be ripped off or anything - and sure, you MAY find something cheaper when you get there but I'm a sucker for traveller reviews - they give you a much better idea of what you're getting.

But I can't book for everything - just the main things that I definitely know I'm gonna be doing. Like, I KNOW I'm gonna be spending 2 days in Bangkok, 3 days in Siem Reap and 3 days in Luang Prabang. I haven't booked anything in between though coz I'm not sure where I'm gonna be. I wanted to spend a night in Ko Phi Phi but it's just not worth all that money for a pretty beach and none of the cheaper accommodation is available. Looks like I'm gonna be doing that as a day trip from Phuket instead. Which is still worthwhile. It looks soooo beautiful.

I just wish I had more time.

And on that note, I'm going to bed. I'm not tired but I need to make sure I get enough rest so I'm not tempted to call in sick tomorrow with this cold.

I'm at the sneezing stage now and it's doing my head in!!



Sunday, 14 December 2008

I Hate Colds

I have got a really horrible cold.

I could just feel it coming on Friday night...and then it came in full force yesterday.

I was MCing for a Christmas Party and just felt shit the whole night.

Everyone was like 'You can't tell you're sick'.

I must have been putting on a pretty good front because the whole night I just wanted to run home and curl up in bed. Seriously, I felt so crap, I couldn't really enjoy myself.

Normally I would be one of the first people to join the kids on the dancefloor. But I just couldn't do it. I just didn't have the genkiness inside me. And I did manage to avoid that part of the job most of the night....apart from a couple of times where I got dragged into it.

It was still an OK night though. And I FINALLY got to wear the gorgeous silk dress I bought in Vietnam!



I finally got my malaria pills yesterday.

Iw as actually a bit pissed coz I've always gone for Malarone when I've needed them in the past but they are so ridiculously expensive here I just couldn't afford them :-(

So I had to buy Mefloquine (Lariam) instead.

And 1-2% of people get hallucinations on this one. A very small percentage so it should be all good. What I hate the most about these ones though is that you take them weekly instead of everyday. Whilst that may be a good thing for some people, it's not for me coz I'm likely to forget!!!


We'll just have to see how it goes!

Fingers crossed


Friday, 12 December 2008

Music Update

I lost over 7000 songs when my mp3 player packed up.

I now have just under 3500.

It's the not the same stuff but I'm learning about different artists and genres of music from rifling through friends' music libraries!

I really appreciate guys. You have no idea.

Love y'all.


Thursday, 11 December 2008

Christmas Cards

I love making Christmas cards in class.

I never fai to be amazed at the creativity of some of the kids - even if they are a pain in the arse the rest of the time.

Shove on some Christmas music and give them loads of origami paper to play with.

Works every time!


Hey - I just realised I haven't received a single Christmas card!


Put the Heating On!!

I went into the primary school I hate most this morning...

....only to find they didn't even have the heating on!!

WTF?! It was really cold this morning and echoes of '寒い!!’ were ringing around the staffroom.

As if I needed another reason to hate this school more than I do already.

So I sat there with my hood up. I got told to take it down at another school. I did, but I decided that there was no way I would do it if they asked me to. Not until they put the heating on anyway.

Surely everyone sitting there in their coats and complaining should be a good enough reason to put the heating on?!

It is December after all - heater time!!

I really don't understand how their logic works sometimes.

Only one more week of freezing my arse off at that school to go!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Selfish Bastards!

So on Wednesday afternoons I have to go to the B.O.E.

Normally I do lesson prep there, but today I decided to study (now the JLPT's over?!?!)

Fat chance.

Everyone was looking at these photos and the women were SHRIEKING in their high pitched annoying voices. And everyone was just TALKING TALKING TALKING.


I couldn't concentrate for shit.

After an hour and a half, I literally couldn't take it anymore. I asked my supervisor if I could leave because it was too noisy to study there. And I put a lot of emphasis on this last part.

You know what she said?

I have to take 30 mins nenkyu!!!!!

Are you SERIOUS?! I just looked at her and asked her what she expected me to do - I have a deadline for the CLAIR course (she didn't need to know that the deadline is today ;-)) and I have to finish the test. With all the noise in the office, how was I supposed to concentrate?!

For some reason, I felt that that was her cue to apologise.

But she just repeated that I had to take nenkyu.

So I flopped down over my desk in the most unprofessional manner possible and fell asleep. I could hear people coming in and commenting on 'how tired the ALT is'.

10 minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder and was told I could leave (without having to take nenkyu).


Long Lunchbreaks

Lunch was at 12.05 today instead of the normal 12.25.

Normally I would go home and sleep for an hour.

But today I decided to stay at school. For one reason only...

...it's warm!

If I went back to my apartment, I would've been ridiculously uncomfortable because it's so cold! And by the time I warmed up, I would have to leave anyway.

So I figured it would be better to stay put....and snooze on my desk instead.



I feel so unprepared for my Christmas trip.

I don't even have a guidebook! I've ordered on online but it won't get here until next week.

I've decided to take the risk and find hostels when I get to each place. I don't have a set plan so I don't know where I'm gonna be and when! So there's no point trying to make reservations.

I'm leaving next weekend but the excitement hasn't crept in yet for some reason.

I'm wondering if I should invest in a backpack rather than lugging a suitcase around with me. What I hate about those things is you can't lie stuff flat. Backpack or suitcase, it's still gonna be heavy.

But would a suitcase be OK though......

Tuesday, 9 December 2008


I've never wanted a day to be over this much in a long time!

Since I woke up this morning, all I've wanted to do is go back to bed.

I woke up exhausted and I've felt that way all day long.

I've literally been struggling to keep my eyes open. I fell asleep for an hour in my lunch break...fell asleep HARD.

My alarm went off and I had to use every ounce of energy I had to haul myself out of bed and get to primary school.

And I got there and everyone seemed to be more genki than usual!


Although, the class went exceptionally well so I actually perked up a bit.

I can't believe I actually made it to my step class! I'm ACHING!!!

I know I'm gonna sleep so well tonight!

I can't wait.


Monday, 8 December 2008

Mood Swings

Jesus, my moods have been all over the place the last couple of days.

I was really happy earlier - I was listening to music and having a bit of a boogie around my apartment.

And then I looked at the calendar and suddenly felt a bit low.

I can't believe the year's nearly over.

Everything seems to have gone so fast.

But I can't pinpoint what it is exactly which is making me feel sad.

I literally am up and down. Plus the fact I'm exhausted after 5 classes at primary school today.


No Middle Ground

The staff room at one of my primary schools has the heating BLAZING!!

The classrooms are like ice boxes.

Do they not realise how not cool it is to go from such extremes throughout the day?!

God, I know I'm gonna get so sick!!!

It's so cold!!!

Sunday, 7 December 2008



Done and Dusted

I have absolutely no idea how I did in the JLPT.

I think the listening part actually went OK...which was a bit of a surprise...but then again when I think listenings have gone OK, I've usually got it wrong!

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be...but I still didn't have enough vocab or grammar to pass.

But that's OK. I wasn't expected to before I started!!

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Not Bad At All

So I figured that I should do SOME studying for tomorrow's test.

So I spent this evening doing a practice test.

Remember, I haven't studied for this since September.

I found it really hard because I just don't have the vocabulary. And I haven't even seen the grammar that was in the test. I completely sucked at the listening test. Which wasn't a surprise. For some reason, no matter what the language is, listening is always my weakest point.

I did the test.

And got 53%!!!

Considering that you only need 60% to pass, I was WELL chuffed!

Because now I know that I am definitely gonna kill this shit next year!!


Awesome Joke!!

My friend emailed this joke to me - LOVE IT!!!

A 16year old boy came home with a new Chevrolet Avalanche.

His parents began to yell and scream, "Where did you get that truck?!' He calmly told them 'I bought it today'.

With what money?' demanded his parents. They knew what a Chevrolet Avalanche cost.

'Well', said the boy, 'this one cost me just 15 dollars'. So the parents began to yell even louder. 'Who would sell a truck like that for 15 dollars?!' they said.

'It was the lady up the street', said the boy. 'They've just moved in. I was riding past on my bike and she asked me if I wanted to buy a Chevrolet Avalanche for 15 dollars'.

'Oh my goodness!' exclaimed the mother. 'She must be a child abuser! Who knows what she will do next! John, you go right round there and see what's going on'.

So the boy's father walked up the street to the house where the lady was in the garden, planting flowers. He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold the Chevrolet Avanche for just 15 dollars and demanded to know why she had done it.

'Well, this morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip but I learned from a friend that he had run away to Hawaii with his mistress and doesn't plan to come back. He told me he was stranded.....'

'.....and asked me to sell his new Chevrolet Avalanche and send him the money.

'So I did'.



This has been a really long hard week.


I was reading my friend's blog the other day. She's very recently moved to another city and seems to be struggling. Not to fit in, but with not knowing anyone.

Moving to a new place has never been a MASSIVE deal for me. I mean, it is a big deal but I seem to be able to adapt really quickly. And I never really suffer from homesickness....I tend to miss a lot of material things about home but my friend seems to be really having problems.

It's not like she hasn't been on her own before. But when she's moved in the past, it's always been within the same area or country. Now she has been moved somewhere completely different where she knows only one person. And that person is too busy to have a social life apparently.

I think it puts a lot of pressure on that one person that she knows.

It was different for me when I came to Japan. I mean, I was alone in that I didn't know anyone, but you come over here with other people and there are loads of welcome parties and stuff where you get introduced to a lot of people. And then you start to make your own friends.

I really miss some of the people who have left. And I've been thinking about them a lot recently. I'm not sure what's triggered it off but things just feel so much different than they did a year ago. It's not necessarily bad, just different. But that's what happens with this job. People come and go every year. Nothing is ever permanent here in that respect.

i just really want some of those people back. 2 people in particular. No names - you know me!!
I really miss them and being here without them is hard sometimes. Everyone in your life here has a different 'function'. You go to different people for different things. And the types of things I would talk to those 2 people about I don't seem to be able to talk about with anyone else.

It's hard sometimes. But there's bugger all you can do about it, so you just have to suck it up.

Back to my friend.

I always thought she was a pretty strong person. But moving away has revealed just how vulnerable she really is. She misses her home like you wouldn't believe and she only left about a month ago. Still a short time I guess. I know a couple of JETs who were homesick for the first 5 or 6 months. So she will adapt eventually. It just makes me sad to read about how unhappy she is being in a new environment.

I hope she starts to feel better about things soon.

You take care honey.


Friday, 5 December 2008

Young Love

I saw the most adorable thing ever today.

So I was at elementary school teaching my 3/4nensei (9/10 year olds).

We were making Christmas cards.

This little boy who is EXTREMELY stunning (and I'm not perving on him - he's just every parent's dream of what they want their child to look like) cut a heart out of origami paper and went and gave it to this girl on the other table!


And then they kept exchanging these little glances and shy smiles.

And after the lesson he carried her pencil case.


How cute is that!

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have worked so hard this week.

Everyday I've been so busy at school with lesson prep and I'm coming home absolutely shattered.

But I'm still making it to the gym.

Speaking of which, I'm off to my aqua class.


Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Gossip Girl Season 2

Is it me...

...or is Chuck getting ridiculously hotter with every episode?!?!?!?!?

Hard At It

I have been hard at it all day.

Work that it.

Although I would love it to be the thing that your filthy mind interpreted it as!!!

Literally all day, bar one period, I have been doing lesson prep.

My fingers hurt from all the colouring in. But all my flashcards look good and the classes are gonna be awesome.

It's one of the occasions where every single teacher will talk to me. Because I dazzle them with my fabulous artistic skills and they just have to say something.


But I am absolutely knackered now. I was working until after 5 and I still haven't finished. But I actually don't think I can take anymore today! So I've given up and will continue tomorrow.

So sleepy.

But I've got a whole pile of washing to do. I can't leave my gym clothes lying about.

So, back to work.


Tuesday, 2 December 2008

And So It Begins....

i bought an external last weekend so I can start to get some of my music back.

I went to a friend's house last night and sifted through his music collection. I left with about 200 songs.

Only another 6,800 to go!

Nah, I'm only kidding. I couldn't get all that music back even if I wanted to. So I'm starting from scratch.

Thing is though, some of the stuff was originally downloaded in different formats and hasn't copied over as it should have. So I have to sort that shit out and then start the massive task of filing it all.


Still, I'm not gonna complain. It's better than having to download it all again myself.

Thank you!!


Winter Fashion

I was surprised that I still had a voice on Sunday.

I didn't get a lot of sleep because I was planning on going shopping with my girl.

And what a shop it was! Despite my plan, I still blew 5man.

I hate winter weather but I LOVE winter fashion!

Skinny jeans, knee high boots, humoungous jumpers, coats, scarves, hats gloves - LOVE IT!!!

I bought a coat for 2man. It's so thick and warm. I don't normally go for the whole fur trim thing, but I thought I'd have something different. Plus it's hard for me to find a coat that I can actually do up in the first place! I saw a gorgeous jacket and I BADLY wanted it, but over here coats seem to only come in one size and it didn't zip up past my navel. I was a bit gutted actually because I had fallen in love with it.

But the one I did buy is still cute.

I also bought this cardigan/coat thing with toggles and a hood. It will go perfectly with denim shorts, boots and my new hat.

And this week I'm going to buy a pair of massive furry boots!

They're so warm and comfy.

Yay to winter fashion!


Monday, 1 December 2008

Old Skool

After the game on Saturday, we all went for dinner and then hit up a bar.

And thus started the conversation on old skool music.

Ginuwine-Pony, LL Cool J-Phenomenon, Missy Elliot-All 'N' My Grill.

Do you remember these songs?

Absolute classics for me. Especially "Pony". Dirty as hell. Fucking love it!! And anything from, Missy around the time of "All 'N' My Grill" is awesome.

It wasn't just old skool that we were talking about. Just long forgotten songs - "Oh Carolina" anyone?? Ooooh and Trina feat. Luda's "B R Right". She's a filthy one that Trina! I love her album "Diamond Princess". Not that I have it anymore following the death of my MP3 player.


So after that, we hit up a karaoke joint. Old skool was the theme and some absolute classics came up!

I sang Chris de Burgh's "Lady in Red". God - how gorgeous is that song!

We went for a couple of hours before the boys passed out. So the 2 of us carried on, belting out rnb classics and newer songs and all the other songs that are impossible to sing and you're too embarrassed to try in front of a whole load of people.

NEVER attempt Brandy & Monica's "The Boy Is Mine"!!!!

Bur Ciara's "Goodies" sounded pretty hot.

It was 5am when we left.



On Saturday, I went to a professional basketball game...

...in KARATSU!!!

Fukuoka Rizing vs. Sendai 89ers.

I was so excited for this calibre of players to be coming to such a little 田舎 town.

And the locals didn't know what to do about it! They were so quiet but eventually got into it. To be honest, it was hard not to. It was so damn close from start to finish, the whole thing had you on edge. They got a couple of dunks in there too.

Not to mention the amount of eyecandy. I went with another girl and 2 guys. LOL- it you take the actual basketball game out of the equation, you see what events like this are like for guys and girls. The guys were making their assesment of the cheerleaders while we were making a VERY detailed assesment of the players.

And Fukuoks Rizing has some very tasty players indeed! Turns out though that out of the ones I like, one is a playboy and the other 2 are very committed.


Speaking of eye candy, I just HAVE to talk about this one cheerleader. No, she wasn't incredibly hot. The extreme opposite! In fact, I felt sorry for her because she was an eyesore. LOL! I'm not even sure I can find the words to describe her face without being incredibly offensive so I think I'll leave it at that! The people I went with know what I mean.

Awesome game. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy watching basketball games (outside of watching my students play). Definitely will be hitting a few more up next year.

Catching Up

On Friday, I went out and caught up with a friend I haven't seen for a while.

Well, it wasn't that I hadn't seen him for a while....more like we haven't spent any one-on-one time together for a while.

It was so nice to catch up. Mainly because he is the one person over here who's more on my level. And one of the 3 people I've met over here who I know I would actually be friends with back home.

We spent a bit of time talking about this actually. Despite the amount of people that you meet and call your friends here, very few of them would be in your life if you were back home. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just an inevitability (is that even a word?!) of the situation that we find ourselves in over here.

But with him, our paths would definitely cross back in our home countries. Mainly because we're both really into music.

Anyways, it was just seriously awesome to have that one-on-one catch up. It's important to do that sometimes because people really do behave differently in a crowd.

Take the time to do it people!

Loads of love

Jade xx


God, i was knackered when I woke up this morning. And I've had a banging headache for 2 days.

I swear if I was allowed to sleep continuously, I wouldn't wake up for at least 24 hours. I would say longer but realistically? Nah.

The last week has actually been really busy. I've been out the house and doing stuff everyday for the last 10 days. And I didn't realise the effect it was having on my wallet.

So once again, I'm broke. And it's another 3 weeks until payday.
